This is what i’ve been thinking of today.
I’m starting a new strength cycle next week that i’d run til the end of the year, and I want to start with a hypertrophy/high volume block, something that I haven’t really done so far, so I decided I want to run a pre-made program.
Since i’m still in love with 5/3/1, I want to go with either the famous BBB (beefcake variation, which, for anyone unfamiliar with 5/3/1, is basically the squat, bench, deads and press done every week for 3 working sets at moderate intensity + 5 sets of 10@55-65%1RM) or instead a more intense variation (3 working sets + 10x5@55-65%1RM + 5x5@65-75%1RM)
The first one is meant for hypertrophy work/size gains. The second one is meant for strength first and foremost, yet it has considerably more volume than the first.
So, I guess what i’m wondering about, is this - do the sets of 10, instead of sets of 5, really give that much bigger a boost to hypertrophy, even though there are more sets of 5 (more overall volume), in the second option? 5x10 vs 15x5?
I’ll start with: probably not enough delta for you to see a tangible difference in your physique over the 12 weeks of those programs.
5x10 at a given weight is likely to get you closer to failure on each set vs 10x5.
That proximity to failure is probably going to be a better hypertrophy stimulus. Hypertrophy advantage: 5x10.
Staying further from failure, and doing more “first reps” via more sets, is likely to better train technique, which should translate to max effort lifts. “Strength” advantage: 10x5 (although I’d argue you get your win here with the heavier sets, but I’m just not that familiar with the program).
All that said, I’d pick whichever looks more enjoyable to you. If size really is your goal, I’ve seen too many people get the results they wanted out of BBB to look past it.
Absolutely, but what if that 10x5 gets an additional 5x5 added to it?
I guess it might already be overthinking at this point, but that’s what I do.
Yeah, i’m still leaning towards BBB, it’s been proven again and again to work after all
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That spiral can go a ton of ways. What if you waste all your muscle-building recovery efforts on that 10x5 so now that 5x5 is just too much?
Sounds like you’re on a path, though! Go kill BBB!
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Agreed with everything @TrainForPain said. Go for BBB. It’s probably the most tried and true size Template for 5/3/1. There other option just seems like way too much work with the main lift to still be relevant for Hypertrophy. If you still really need some chest work after that, for instance, just throw in some incline dumbbell bench.
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