Bill your comments on keeping the fat lower while on androgens as carbs are more effective for gains. My question is simply does this apply to when using Androsol only as well? Should the fat be lowered on Androsol cycles with the carbs generally higher than would be when off? TIA
And again, excellent question.
I don’t know how Bill feels but I think that a good ratio of carbs/protein/fats is 45/35/20 while on the juice. Have a caloric surplus of 500-1000 daily and as Berardi recommends, bump up saturates to 30% of total fat intake. And its okay to eat unhealthy once in a while.
It’s a six of one, half a dozen of another
situation, since unlike a strong steroid
cycle you still have some natural testosterone
production while on Androsol. So it could
be that having somewhat more fat than one
would on a steroid cycle could be of benefit
in helping improve T production. I’d say
you could do it either way according to