Around 24 I picked up some injuries that I just couldn’t quite shake and led to me training like shit and just focussing more on my career. At the back end of 2024 I turned 30 and that career I’d sacrificed my health and 20’s for disintegrated and I had to move back to my parent’s house broke. I’m in the worst shape of my life in all areas of my life.
I spent a lot of time on here and when I first got in to lifting and always wanted to do my own log, so I decided to document the famous ‘getting together of the shit’.
I want to do this as a 12 week transformation style and then reassess from there.
The iphone cut these out kind of shitty I might change where I take them this week.
I was feeling all motivated to do this log a week ago (when I took these pictures) and then hurt my back the next day (wasn’t even in a cool way!) so for the sake of the ‘12 week’ part of this these are technically Week -1.
I have a tonne of long term goals that I want to get to, but for right now I’m keeping it simple. I know I won’t necessarily hit these in the 12 weeks but it’s what I’m immediately focussing on for now.
Bench - Eventual Goal: 140kg ; Current: ~100kg
Squat - Eventual Goal: 200kg ; Current: No idea I haven’t been able to train these heavy for a while
Deadlift - Eventual Goal: Just be able to train these worry free and get after having a strong back, 200kg+ ? Whatever… right now I just want to train them.
Cardio - Eventual Goal: I know my goals kind of suck cause I don’t have something specific. For this it’s more like a feeling. I remember what it felt like to be in shape and right now I’m so far away from it. I guess the goal would be to be able to do constant work at a decent rate for 30mins ; Current: Not worth mentioning
Next 4 weeks I’m going to be running a Westside-style of program with 2 Max Effort Days (adjusting for the back injury) and 2 Dynamic Effort Days. This isn’t for any other reason other than I’ve trained like this in the past and I loved it. So I’m probably not where I should be strenght-wise for this kind of prorgram or whatever but I need to be excited for training right now. I’ll reassess after one 4 week wave. I’m also sprinkling in some light cardio and mobility sessions in there, aiming for 2/week minimum.
Nutritionally I’m babying myself for now. Just trying to get enough protein and actually cook. Last year has been fluctuating between eating nothing one day and eating everything in sight and ordering more the next day. So I’m just trying to get some basics down. Consistently get over 100g of protein, and get more fibre in etc.
Anyway I just spat this whole thing out in one go over my coffee so hope it makes sense, looking forward to reading other peoples logs!