Rebuilding the Base


  1. WW - 4 Rounds

1a. Kickstand RDL + Rotation (band around hips) - Black Band x 8

1b. Single Arm Cable Row - 5kg x 8 e.s
Really focussing on depressing the shoulder

1c. Leg raise with foam roller between knees - BW x 8

1. Carry EMOM - 8 Minutes
Suitcase Carry - Min 1 Left, Min 2 Right
Single Arm Front Rack Carry - Min 3 Left, Min 4 Right

20kg KB - Felt pretty easy but it was supposed to be so not if I’ll up the weight or up the rounds

**2. Aerobic Bit - 2min ON 30 sec OFF - 2 rounds (10min total) **

2a. Rower
2b. Bike

Kept the same volume as the last time I did this but I was able to push a little harder for sure need to start adding rounds

3. Reverse Pec Deck
3 x 12

4. Grip Super Set

4a. EZ Curl Wrist Curl - 20kg x 12
4b. DB Wrist Rotations - 5kg x 12
4c. DB Wrist Deviations? - 5kg x 12

5. Lateral Raise Machine
First time trying this just played with it really nice connection on both shoulders though so deifnitely going to put this in at some point

3 x 15

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  1. WW - 4 Rounds

1a. Single Arm Cable Row - 5kg x 15

1b. DB Ext Rot - 2kg x 15

1c. Band Tricep Extensions - Red band x 15

2. DE Bench
40kg + Black Bands - 8 x 2 done in EMOM

First time benching with a band for a while challenging keeping tight at the bottom which seems to be a theme in my benching.

3a. Single arm 45 degree pulldown

20kg - 4 x 8

3b. ‘JM press’

25kg - 4 x 8

4a. Reverse Pec Deck
4 x 12

4b. Pec Deck
4 x 12

I was so excited with the connection I felt on these earlier in the week but I didn’t really get that today, not sure why

5a. Barbell Shrug

40kg - 4x12

5b. Alternating Supinating DB Curls
6kg - 3 x 12

Flew through this superset with very little rest so I undershot the weight but still not a bad pump



1. WW - 4 Rounds

1a. Split stance cable chop x 8 e.s

1b. Kickstand RDL + Rotation (band around hips) - Black Band x 8

1c. Leg raise with foam roller between knees - BW x 8

2. Kick Stand RDL

15kg - 4 x 6 e.s

Too easy to be honest but second set I felt a little in my back but I just concentrated on my brace next 2 sets and it went away.

3. Back Extension

BW - 3 x 15

4. Smith Machine Calf Raise
30kg - 3 x 12

5. Standing Cable Abs
15kg - 3 x12

6. Leg Extension



I know its technically still Sunday on week 4 but I had a rough day and needed to go get rid of some energy… unfortunately by the time I found the one gym in the area open Sunday night and got there the adrenaline had already worn off. Go figure.

1. WW - 4 Rounds

1a. Cable Row - 10kg x 15
Not sure these are working gonna go back to the straight depressions

1b. DB Ext Rot - 2kg x 15
Kinda clicky not sure why

1c. Pin Loaded Chest Press Machine - 25kg x 15
Not a bad pump once I got my form and allignment figured out

2. ME Bench - Work up to a double
Bar x 8
40kg x 4
50kg x 2
60kg x 2
70kg x 2
80kg x 2
100kg x 2!

Like I said above the adrenaline was kind of gone. 60kg felt heavy! 100kg was a huge struggle definitely 2RM, 1st was tough 2nd form went to shit and was just a bottle to horsecock it up any which way.

I will also confess: in my first post I said my 1RM for bench was probably around 100kg. I was probably bullshitting. I’ve not felt 2 plates for a long time and feeling it tonight makes me think that estimate was way off for 4 weeks ago.

3. Pulldowns
3 x 12

This gym was pretty small and packed for a sunday night so I just jumped on these. Pretty clicky on my right shoulder but got some light work in

4. JM Press
30kg x 12 , 12 , 8

Had to kill the last set cause my triceps almost cramped! If I fully extend my elbow right now they’re still trembling lol!

5. Cable Reverse Fly
5kg - 3 x 12

6. Pec Deck
3 x 12
Meh contaction - some good some bad

7a. Chest Supported DB Row
12kg - 3 x 12

Great connection/pump on these! Last set was gross

7b. DB Lateral Raise
2kg - 3 x 12

8a. Fat Bar Curls
Bar - 3 x 12
Never used one of these bars before so just wanted to try it out

8b. Fat Bar Shrugs
Bar - 3 x 12

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1. WW - 4 Rounds

1a. Split stance cable chop x 8 e.s

1b. Kickstand RDL + Rotation (band around hips) - Black Band x 8

2. DE Belt Squat
90kg + machine - 8x2 EMOM

This felt like nothing this week. Gonna up it next week

3. Back Extension
5kg - 3 x 8

These felt awesome, can’t wait to keep upping the weight on them.

4a. Band Standing Adduction
Red band 4 x 12

4b. Leg raise with foam roller between knees
BW - 4 x 8
Legs straighter than usual which is progress

4c. Clamshells
BW - 4 x 12-15

Should have added weight to these

5a. Legpress
80kg + machine - 3 x 12
I was gonna do leg extension but the machine was broke don’t think I’ve legpressed since I was a teenager! This was easy IDK why I wasn’t pushing hard but I just sort of went through the motions for some reason.

5b. Single Leg Calf Raise
BW - 3 x 12

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1. WW - 3 Rounds

1a. Split stance cable chop - 10kg x 8 e.s

1b. Kickstand RDL + Rotation (band around hips) - Black Band x 8

1c. Shoulder Depressions - 10kg x 8
These felt great keeping them back in who cares if they progress

2. Aerobic Bit - 2 min ON 30 sec OFF - 2 Rounds (15 min total)

2a. Rower
2b. Assualt Bike
2c. Bike

3. Carry EMOM - 8 minutes

Double Front Rack Carry - Min 1
Farmers Carry - Min 2
2 x 16kg KB

4. Grip Circuit - 3 Rounds

4a. EZ Curl Wrist Curl - 20kg x 8
4b. DB Wrist Rotations - 10kg x 8
4c. DB Wrist Deviations? - 5kg x 8

Thought I did 8s last week (looking back I did 12s) oh well.

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Went in to today with a little pain in my right shoulder.

1. WW - 4 Rounds

1a. Cable Scap Depression - 10kg x 15

1b. Reverse Pec - 20kg - 15
I like these!

1c. Pec Deck - 30kg x 15
Can’t seem to get a good contraction on these again

2. DE Pause Bench
40kg + Black Bands - 8x2 (Done as EMOM)

Decided to do pause to help with tension at the bottom. Right shoulder and elbow were nagging throughout

3. Seal Row
40kg - 3 x 8
Didn’t love these but wanted to try out the seal row bench

4a. Double KB OHP
12kg - 3 x 6
I want to start adding a secondary heavyish press in to my workouts as the supplementary exercise. Starting off easier to get used to the extra pressing on my shoulders.

4b. 45 Degree Cable Pulldowns
20kg - 3 x8

5. Lateral Raise Machine
20kg - 4 x 8
Crazy pump on these. They’re defintiely staying!

6a. Barbell Shrugs
40kg - 3 x 12

6b. Alternating DB Curls
8kg - 3 x 12
Kind of meh but I did this circuit with no rest so good burn by the last set

6c. Band Triceps
Red Band - 3 x 20


Woke up this morning with right low back, right side, right adductor aching hard. This is usually a sign I’m gonna get a relapse in the back injury soon. Back extensions really exaccerbated it, but then the extra hip work at the end eased it again. As I type this ~2 hours later right low back and adductor are starting to niggle again.

1. WW - 4 Rounds

1a. Split stance cable chop x 8 e.s

1b. Kickstand RDL + Rotation (band around hips) - Black Band x 8

1c. Leg raise with foam roller between knees - BW x 8

2. Kick Stand RDL

17.2kg - 4 x 6 e.s
Still pretty easy but good stretch on hamstrings felt good

3. Back Extension
BW - 2 x 15

These we’re really blowing up just the right side of my back and was getting painful around right SI. Felt like left side was hardly working.

4. Side Bend (on the Back Ext Apparatus)
BW x 5
BW - 2 x 20sec hold

Just decided to do some holds because my hips and back were painful. Left side is noticebly weak.

5a. Adduction Squeezes
ISO - 3 x 20 sec

5b. Side Lying Abduction
2.5kg - 3 x 15

5c. Smith Machine Calf Raise
30kg x 12
40kg - 2 x 12



I did this yesterday.

WW - 3 Rounds

1a. Unilateral Leg Lowers - BW x 8 e.s

1b. Kickstand RDL + Rotation (band around hips) - Black Band x 8

1c. Shoulder Depressions - 10kg x 8

2. Unilateral Back Extension Holds

BW - 2 x 20 sec on each leg

3. Side Bend Hold (on back ext)

BW - 2 x 20 sec on each side

4. Just tried out some shoulder health stuff
About 5 sets of messing around, trying new stuff nothing worth mentioning

5. Bike - 1 min EZ , 1 min 75% [20 min total]
Did this on the concept bike, these things suck



Same as last week starting this training week on a Sunday. Kind of a meh session I’m thinking of changing it up after this wave. A lot of niggles (I conceded in my first post that I probably wasn’t prepped enough to do conjugate right now). We’ll see.

WW - 4 Rounds

1a. Scap Depression - 15kg x 20 sec hold

1b. Shoulder Ext Rotation - 1.5kg x 15
Right shoulder clicky and slightly painful

1c. Pin loaded chest press machine - 2 x15
Changed it to a high cable fly (2 sets of 15) cause I wasn’t feeling my chest at all

2. Football Bar Bench - Work up to 4RM
Bar x8
30kg - x 4
40kg x 4
50kg x 4
60kg x 4
70kg x 4
80kg x 4

Was at a different gym tonight, thought I’d try out their football bar but the actual bench itself was slippy as hell was unstable to press out of.

3a. Barbel OHP
Bar x 6
40kg - 2 x6
This was harder than I was hoping!

3b. Chest Support Row
14kg - 3 x 12
Felt meh not good connection with anything tonight

4a. Kneeling Cable Pulldown
3 x 12

4b. Band Pushdown
Red Band - 3 x 20

5a. Reverse Pec Deck
3 x 12

5b. DB Lateral Raise
3kg - 3 x 20
Good pump on these

6a. Barbell Shrugs
50kg - 3 x 12

6b. Supinating DB Curls
3 x 12


Did some RDLS with a barbell in between my warm up. My hips have been feeling a lot better so I was wondering if it would translate. RDL feels even but looks like shit :man_shrugging: - just gonna keep going with what I’m doing

WW - 4 Rounds

1a. Unilateral Leg Lowers - BW x 8 e.s

1b. Kickstand RDL + Rotation (band around hips) - Black Band x 8

1c. Unilateral Back Extension Holds - (only 3 sets - got crampy) - BW x 20 sec e.s

1d. Side Bend Holds - (only 3 sets - got crampy) - BW x 20 sec e.s

2. DE Belt Squat

100kg + machine - 8x2 EMOM
Feeling heavier on the hips but I can still stand up pretty easy. Goal is to get to 120kg + machine (3 plates either side) for a speed squat then decide if I want to start using it as a M.E variation

3a. Seated Hamstring Curls

3b. Single Leg Calf Raise
BW x 15, 15, 11

4. Standing Cable Abs
15kg - 3 x 15

5. Leg Extension
3 x 12