Ran Out of Test E Mid Cycle

Hi ive been in 750 mg of test e a week for a little over a year (started with 500) upped it and i ran out i have some more coming in the next week but my last shot was friday today is sunday what can i expect to feel like and what can I do to keep my test from bottoming out. Only shit i have on hand is dbol mk 677 and yk 11. Im not on anything but test at the moment tho. I should have some by the end of the week will i be fine.

At those high doses doubt you’ll feel any drop before 3-4 weeks. Probably fine


I’m with @swoops39 on this. I doubt you will even notice.


Any point in using the dbol or the mk 677 to help supplement or no?

Mk won’t make you feel better (or at least doesn’t make me feel better). Dbol was used in the past as a trt substitute (it’s not ideal, but will give you androgens and estrogen, which works, just hard on the liver). If it was me, once I was off test for three weeks, I’d use the dbol at about 20 mg/day. That’s if you don’t get more test by then.

I would in the future drop down to trt doses once you get to your last vial. That way you have time to order more, and deal with any shipping complications. I like to keep a good supply of test for peace of mind.

Also, consider going to 250 mg/wk for half your time on. 750 mg/wk is likely to give you issues down the road if you are on it all the time.


Hold the fuck up, are you 17 years old and have been on permablast since 16??

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No thats a teamate of mine he sent me that to post cause he doesnt want to use the forum and get in trouble. Ive only used cardinine and mk 677 and that was for like 3 months.

Okay so which one of these is you?

Because these are ALL showing that you are very much in your developmental stages. Math adds up that you are 17 for all of these posts dude

They are all me only that pharma post is him I already had an account thats why i posted for him

… You realize why that doesn’t sound believable at all, right?

If you’ve been on blast for the last year, and you were 14 y/o in May 2019, you have been on blast since you were 16 y/o

Or do they not teach math in school anymore?


I have not been blasting my friend has if you dont believe okay it doesnt really matter to me i just posted for fun


Well, “your friend” is probably sterile now, so I hope “he” smartens the fuck up. Maybe “he” should make an anonymous account and learn about this shit himeslf so he can learn what he needs to do if he ever wants to reproduce.

Where do you put the odds that the physique seen in the “rate my physique” section belongs to a 17 year old natural?

I’d have my doubts on natural if the physique holder said they were a decade older.


Your probably right dude i would personally never blast and supress my natural test in the middle of puberty hence why the only things ive used is cardinine and mk 677 two non supressive compounds.

I have used mk 677 and cardanine myself

Jay Cutler the second. Why not?
Just because i cant do it doesnt mean he cant, no?

I’d be willing to believe this…

not this though.

There’s that one post “Sock it to me!” where OP was 19 and mostly natty and he was unbelievably developed, which is the only reason I’m willing to say 1% chance for “natty” at 17.

I don’t really want to participate in this post because I genuinely don’t believe OP is “asking for a friend”, and I don’t want the derail to misguide the post accordingly. Happy to discuss with you on other threads though!

You have posted someone’s headshot in your previous posts. Please consider deleting those pictures or anonymizing them. You may have to work with the admin although a good rule of thumb is once its out there its out there. Nota Bene for the future.

Actually that angle is funky.


This is me at 19. Yes, im older than the OP in this pic, but my point is - my arms never looked like that. Its the angle. Even now my arms dont look like that. In this specific angle they look like 47cm at least. In the pic they were like 40cm max.

Also by the cellulite on shoulders it looks like he has some chubbs going on.