I guess OP said specifically that he ran out of Test after a little over a year on. His physique looks good IMO even for a guy running just Test (for any age).
Only when questioned about things not lining up, does he say that it is his friend that ran out of Test.
Not to mention that the UNTESTED USPA bench record for 16-17 year olds is 424.4 lbs (in the 242 lb weight class). OP claims 30 lbs more than the untested record as a natural. Call me skeptical, but it’s just more believable that OP is saucing (and the physique and lifts are still crazy IMO), than him having record lifts, a great physique, is natural, and just happened to make a post about his “friend” running out of gear, in which he doesn’t mention the post being about his “friend”.