[quote]smith machine wrote:
I just spent a bunch of time writing and it all got wiped so im gonna sum things up and give you some opinions.
At 19, I wouldnt do an injectable cycle knowing what I know now having use different compounds ive used and younger friends of mine almost all recovering worse than me and myself recovering worse when i was 24 and cycled than now @ 29. But its your choice.
Why risk higher chance of permanently stuffing your HPTA/Testosterone production when you can wait a couple more years when the risk could be considerably less?
If you will cycle, I believe (since you seemed very disciplined with diet and I am assuming training as well) and are natural you can get VERY good benefit out of creatine + ZMA + Multivit x2 per day etc for 6 months to 1 year.
If you have tried these already effectively together correct use and dosing and are going to cycle I believe that possibly the best most effective low suppression low dose steroid is dbol.
As disciplined as you seem even 15-20 mg once morning dose I think could get you 15-20% strength gains in 8 weeks and very noticable mass.
I also believe there may be some merit in the “weekends off” dbol approach for young guys and people concerned with hpta/liver/estrogen sides. But you would need nolva on hand anyway and liver checkups in case.
One thing I would like to mention is 380gram protein/day natural @ 205lb…Holy smokes!
Im 5’11.5 270lb @20% bf (less now same weight) and on bulk I dont go over 350 now…or I shit alot of it out in the toilet and this is on bulk cycle 1g test+ other compounds I feel it does nothing extra for me.
Over 400 I actually start to feel unwell!
If it were possible to eat say 10 times per day for me or more…I might have tried but this is not possible for me and plus sleep becomes harder as…you have to eat lol. I eat 7 times per day
And you need sleep to grow.
On a cut cycle or natural I dont go over about 250 gram.
I think 380 is sky high unless maybe using insulin, gh/peptides and 1g+ test…or being very big.
You may gain more benefit out of more carbs/efa’s to equal the extra protein you have as calories instead and would be more efficient for the body.
The excess protein you are having is probably working for you as extra calories being converted into a fuel source (more work for your body) I believe it would be easier just giving your body the fuel in the first place.
Just trying to give you a bit of a different view.
Hey man i aprreciate you taking time to write so much!
Yes my intake is usually very high, but i train very intense and sometimes i dont feel i recover as good if my protein is not 300 or more g’s.I sleep 10 hours a day, take alot more than zma+creatine+multi’s, I also take pre workout, diffrent types of protein and oils/seprate vitamins. Money usally isnt the issue for me so i have the option to try anything i find will help( no prohormones). Eating so much is what added 70+ pounds to my frame in under 3 years without getting any taller.
I don’t know about the d-bol, I really want to keep it basic/ having keepable gains. Im not really looking for strength as much as bringing up weaker bodyparts. Maybe using hcg towards the end and tapering off the test would be better for quicker recovery? I haven’t seen many people recommend a d-bol only over a test cycle regardless of stats.
But great opinion anyway and i will keep an open mind to your input/ discuss with my trainer