For me, personally, I haven’t experienced much soreness while following the I, BB program and utilizing the Anaconda Protocol. The protocol diminishes soreness and increases recovery to such a degree, I’ve pretty much had zero problems with soreness.
Plus, by not training to failure, completely dominating each rep of each set, and training the same muscle group (as you’re doing in a specilization focus) 3 times per week, will also lead to less soreness.
You may experience some soreness when starting a new phase and movement patterns, but for the reasons mentioned above, the soreness in my experience, is never debilitating and for damn sure doesn’t require a few days off before working the same muscle group.
The overall volume of each workout is relatively low. Yes, by autoregulating it can also be very high within a workout, but if the average sets per exercise is around 6 sets, with the first three being between the 60-75% of your 1RM range, it hasn’t produced much soreness for me. The muscles will feel more “tight” than sore, and hardly ever sore to the touch.
A good illustation of this would be to:
Option 1 (using upper body push muscles as an example)
Do the typical chest, shoulder, tricep workout that consists of as many as 25 sets once a week…you’ll be much more sore from only onc high volume exposure per week.
Compare that to:
Option 2 I,BB spec focus on chest (as well as the other pushing muscles, shoulders and triceps)
The overall volume is actually higher, utilizing higher % of your 1RM, but it’s split up into 3 different workouts throughout the week. Add the Anaconda protocol on top of that, and your chances of being sore are very low.
Most everyone using the I,BB program and Anaconda are reporting much larger gains in strength, size, and recovery across the board compared to their old training methods.
This to me, proves soreness doesn’t lead to additional gains, but rather a higher frequency of training, faster recovery, utilizing higher loads and lower reps done explosively and perfectly, does. As well, as a massive influx of key nutrients around workout time from the Anaconda Protocol
Makes sense to me and has proven so in my own training.