I’ve tried 3 different energy boosting supplements, one of them was one I got for free from BB.com, the second was a bottle of Five-Hour Energy, and the third was one of the Spike Tablets here from Biotest. None of them had any effect on me whatsoever. I took them about 15 - 20 minutes before leaving for the gym.
Even so, I still was tired on my way to the gym, and I didn’t feel any different than normal while working out or afterwards. I don’t eat anything with them, so I’m not sure what the issue is.
Is there something I’m doing wrong, or is my body simply resistant to energy-boosting suppliments?
[quote]Peter Noto wrote:
I’ve tried 3 different energy boosting supplements, one of them was one I got for free from BB.com, the second was a bottle of Five-Hour Energy, and the third was one of the Spike Tablets here from Biotest. None of them had any effect on me whatsoever. I took them about 15 - 20 minutes before leaving for the gym. Even so, I still was tired on my way to the gym, and I didn’t feel any different than normal while working out or afterwards. I don’t eat anything with them, so I’m not sure what the issue is.
Is there something I’m doing wrong, or is my body simply resistant to energy-boosting suppliments?[/quote]
Everybody is going to have a different tolerance to stimulants, some will bounce off the wall with just a small amount, others will need a dump trunk of the stuff to feel or notice anything. So its hard to tell, maybe you fall in the latter category of things.
I will say there are always other factors as well, maybe you’re tired because you’re not getting adequate sleep or lack proper amounts of nutrients for recovery, etc. One thing you can do is some form of explosive work prior to your session to ramp up your CNS and get activated quicker. Think of things like jumps, throws, etc just ensure you’re explosive and end the jump or throw when you feel your properly activated.
Outside of that i will say that Brain Candy and Power Drive are both great products that many swear by, myself included so maybe you could try either of those and see if you still notice nothing. But start with the explosive work prior to your session, it can do wonders.
I currently just drink a cup or two of coffee pre WO, but I used to buy caffeine powder in bulk (damn cheap) and make my own pre workout with creatine and BCAAs, etc. This way you can make it as potent as you can handle. There is a danger of taking too much at once or in a day (think it was 600mg). I only took about 200mg at a time.
Not sure, but I guess some people aren’t affected by caffeine. My friend’s wife drinks a cup before bed.
@Eazy yea I know I’m not getting enough sleep, but that’s mainly because I keep waking up in the middle of the night for whatever damn reason, if it wasn’t for that I’d be getting 8+ hours. I may try Power Drive, but I currently have no money lol thanks anyways
@EctoMorphosis I’ll probably just drink some green tea a couple of times a day to keep my energy up. Maybe the reason I’m so tired is because I eat so much I always feel like I’m in a food coma lol but that caffeine powder idea is a good one I may try it