Question about 5/3/1, which way be better

Hi, i have worries about which way be better using principles of 5/3/1 Jim Wendler program, in getting being stronger on big 3 SBD lifts, i don’t care much about hypertrophy main focus is on pure strength

First way -
1Leader> 5’s PRO with BBB 5x10(55%-65%) >
2Leader > 3+/5/1+ with SSL 5x5 >
Deload >
1Anchor > 3+/5/1+ with FSL 3x5 >
2Anchor > 3/5/1 here without PR sets but with Joker sets with 1 or 2 reps >
Deload > Repeat all

Second way - 1Leader > 3+/5/1+ with SSL 5x5 >
one lighter week >
1Anchor 3+/5/1+ with Joker sets and FSL 3x5 >
Deload > Repeat all

Third way- something like SVR II from 5/3/1 Forever, doing different supplemental lift for each week, heavy > lighter > heavy week, using leader/anchor

I guess what matters is “how strong are you now”, “how much will you eat”, “do you do any other sports”, and “what’s working for you right now”.

Can’t get directions to church without knowing where you are now, y’know?