Pulled Hamstring

So…i pulled my hamstring 2 weeks ago doing sprints…and it bruised up pretty bad right over the pull…i still have a bruise…and its still a little tight…

when it first happened…i iced it for the first day or 2…

a buddy of mine suggested that it may be more than just a pull b/c of the bruise…

what should i do to help wiht recovery…and at what point can i start training legs again…

get it looked at by a professional.

Yes, i would get it looked at. Hamstring pulls can definitely bruise. But the main thing you have to determine is how bad the pull was. A really bad one could require sugery. But more likely, you just need rehab recovery and rehab. Hamstring pulls can take quite a while to recover from.

A serious one (Grade 3) with extensive bruising and which may require crutches for 1-2 weeks can take as long as 10 weeks to recover from. A Grade 2 (difficulty walking normally initially, some bruising develops) will take 3-4 weeks to recover from.

For know, ice it, don’t do too much stretching right now, but lots of massage is good to keep scar tissue breaking up. But definitely see a professional, either doctor or physical therapy, or both.

damn…i hate seeing professionals…
might have to do that though…from what you described…seems like it would be a class 2…i had a little trouble walking at first…but after a day or two i could walk alright…

i’m still stretching it…the bruise is about gone…and i’ve been using my foam roller…

thanks for the help guys