Ladies and Gentlemen,
To make a short story shorter, I pulled my hamstring while running sprints yesterday. (surprise!) While beginning to slow down, my left ham popped and I immediately knew what happened. As of today, I’m walking with a slightly noticeable limp, I’ve got an ace bandage wrapped on it during the day for compression and icing and elevating it at night.
This is the first muscle injury I’ve ever really had in my life, (I’m 21) and I’m curious as to what I’d be able to do in the gym while I let my hamstring heal.
Also, what type of plan would be wise to take in terms of rehabbing a hamstring? Leg days are the days I look forward to most, but I realize that I’m going to have to make adjustments until I’m not putting myself at risk of further injury.
Basically, what would you guys do?
Try and stay active, within reason, with a goal of keeping the muscle mobilized which is important for tissue remodelling. Isometric work relatively early can be beneficial, like a calisthenic squat hold.
Stick with the RICE till the acute pain/inflammation lessens.
Once you can move through a pain free squat to a relatively good depth, you should look to increase your eccentric hamstring strength asap. This is a big predictor of hamstring strain injuries. Initially, do light leg curl work and emphasize the eccentric with 3-5 second descents. Initially one set per leg, twice per week, 10-12 reps. Try to use the good morning exercise, unweighted, as a stretch (30-second hold, 3 repeats) as soon as possible as well.
Lots of things will work, and detailed plans abound, but your priority is to get the acute recovery right, then get into eccentric hamstring work asap.
Long term, RDL’s, good mornings, should be a staple in your training.
GG said it best. Also make sure to train your hamstrings as both knee flexors AND hip extensors.
Thank you guys for your advice. I’ve taken it and things have improved dramatically. I’m hoping to be back to RDL’s, deads and squats soon enough, listening to your body sometimes is hard! Thank you again.
If you heard an audible pop, then you did more than pull it. Did you feel a pop or hear it? If you heard one then you need to see a doctor. If you just felt a pop like a strain then maybe it is just pulled or strained (that’s probably the case, otherwise you might be on crutches). If walking on it hurts then I think you need RICE as GG said and then when you’re done more Rn’R. I wouldn’t rush into even light leg training over the course of the next 2 weeks.