I’m posting here instead of my log, because I think this will get more visibility in the beginners section. I’ve been thinking for the past few weeks to start a 4-day split, and move myself off Rippetoes, because A) it’s getting a little bit monotonous, and B) I feel that my body is no longer responding as well to the program. Time to change things up, and experiment for another couple months.
The split I’ve come up with is this:
Monday (Back/Biceps):
BB Row
BB Curl
Preacher Curl
Tuesday (Chest/Triceps):
Bench (flat/incline/decline - alternate two each workout)
Tricep extension
Thursday (Legs):
Squat (most likely back, but might alternate with front)
Standing Calf Raise
Leg Press
Friday (Shoulders):
Military Press
DB Front Raise
Rear Delt Row (or pull)
Rear Lateral Raise
The split for days was taken from one of ProfX’s splits. I researched exercises myself, and picked ones that I am pretty sure cover everything (but I’m not so sure, which is why I’m posting this).
I’m undecided on rep/set scheme, but I’m thinking a progression would be best, with the working sets being low rep heavy ass weight.
I appreciate comments, critiques, and suggestions. I’d also appreciate if you can explain why something is out of whack with this program (as I’m trying to learn the reasonings behind things).
Thanks in advance!