I say Professor x in the title because I want people like him who are advanced answering my question. If you weigh under 220lbs (unless you’re a midget), please watch and learn lol.
I have been building up a strength foundation for about 2 years now. Previously, I’d been doing too much volume for my recovery abilities. Although bodybuilding for 8 years, I’d say that only my past 2 years counts since before I wasn’t eating enough or even concerned that much with strength. I would describe myself as ectomorphic (by genes), started off at 130lbs at 6 foot.
Currently hovering around 200lbs at >10% bf. I don’t take steroids, and don’t intend to when not at my peak natural potential.
My realistic goal is to be at a natural, lean 225-230lbs by the time I’m 30 years old (currently 25). I’ve been doing upper exercises twice a week, or once every 5 days. And lower body once per week.
Brief example:
Monday - Bench, Military Press, Barbel Curl, Skull Crusher
Wednesday - Squat, Deadlift, Shrugs
Friday - Bench, Pullup, Skull Crusher, Barbel curl
I only manage 2-3 sets per exercise (average of 7 reps/set), otherwise, strength levels go down/over-training happens. I am wanting to go onto a more advanced routine now though since it only takes 3 or 4 weeks before this becomes too much (especially with the squat and deadlift in the same workout).
Thing is though, even though I’m only doing deadlifts once a week, I seem to stagnate. My squat is going up nicely, so is some other exercises (although, not as quickly as I’d like). Currently Iâ??m getting stuck at 350lbs on the deadlifts and itâ??s really annoying me since Iâ??ve been hovering around this weight for months and canâ??t seem to break past it. Iâ??m happy with squats (currently 340lbs and improving each week easily).
I was considering doing a more split routine, which would mean doing some exercise less and giving them more sets.
One problem I have with SOME split routines in the fact that they only â??hitâ?? the chest once a week. I understand that compound movements hit other muscles too (e.g. Deadlift hits upper back too, pullups hit biceps too etc)â?¦but thereâ??s no other regular big exercise that hits the chest enough (other than specific compound movements like dips/â??flatâ?? presses). The reason why this is a problem for me personally is because I get weaker/smaller in the chest if itâ??s not directly trained at least once every 5 days (maybe this is because of only doing 3 sets?). That’s only the typical split routines I’ve seen in the past though, I’m not sure if they’re different now.
Whatâ??s the best way forward from here? I’m only asking because I’m probably going to have to do quite a bit of customisation…something I’m not familiar with on a more split routine.
I would really value the input and thanks in advance!