How does the program look?
Phase 1
Mon, Wed, and Fri: (same workout all three days)
Squat: 2 sets of 3-6 reps
Paused Bench Press: 3 sets of 3-6 reps
Sumo Deadlift: 1 set of 3-6 reps
General Physical Preparation Exercise #1: 7 minutes to do as many reps as possible
General Physical Preparation Exercise #2:7 minutes to do as many reps as possible
High-Intensity, Interval Training: 7 intervals of ~20sec with 100sec of rest between efforts
Mobility Work: 10 minutes
The Weight Progression Protocol:
Phase One:
Total Reps Completed / Weight to add for next workout:
6 Reps: +2.5lbs / 1.25kg
7-11 Reps: +5lbs / 2.5kg
12 Reps: +10lbs / 5kg
Bench Press
Total Reps Completed / Weight to add for next workout:
9 Reps: +2.5lbs / 1.25kg
10-17 Reps: +5lbs / 2.5kg
18 Reps: +10lbs / 5kg
Total Reps Completed / Weight to add for next workout:
3 Reps: +2.5lbs / 1.25kg
4-5 Reps: +5lbs / 2.5kg
6 Reps: +10lbs / 5kg
Phase Two: The â??Advanced Noviceâ??
Mon and Fri: â??Heavy Dayâ??
Squat: 3 sets of 3 to 6 reps
Paused Bench: 5 sets of 3 to 6 reps
Sumo Deadlift: 2 sets of 3 to 6 reps
Wed: â??Light Dayâ??
3-Second Pause Squat: 2 sets of 3 to 6 reps
3-Second Pause Bench: 2 sets of 3 to 6 reps
Tue and Sat: GPP, Conditioning, Mobility
General Physical Preparation Exercise #1: 7 minutes to do as many reps as possible
General Physical Preparation Exercise #2:7 minutes to do as many reps as possible
High-Intensity, Interval Training: 7 intervals of ~20sec with 100sec of rest between efforts
Mobility Work: 10 minutes
The Progression Protocol:
Phase Two:
Total Reps Completed / Weight to add for next workout:
9 Reps: 1.25lbs / 0.5kg
10-17 Reps: 2.5lbs / 1.25kg
18 Reps: 5lbs / 2.5kg
Total Reps Completed / Weight to add for next workout:
15 reps: 1.25lbs / 0.5kg
16-29 Reps: 2.5lbs / 1.25kg
30 reps: 5lbs / 2.5kg
Total Reps Completed / Weight to add for next workout:
6 reps: 1.25lbs / 0.5kg
7-11 Reps: 2.5lbs / 1.25kg
12 Reps: 5lbs / 2.5kg
Wed â??Light Dayâ??
3-Count Paused Squat and 3-Count Paused Bench
Total Reps Completed / Weight to add next workout:
6 reps: +1.25lbs / 0.5kg
7-11 reps: +2.5lbs / 1.25kg
12 reps: +5lbs / 2.5kg