Intermediate Programming and Sumo Deadlift

Hello guys.

I came to this moment, where linear progression where I was able to add 5 pounds (2,5 kg) every training session is simply impossible for me. I ended up with 440/265/485 score at around 175 bodyweight. Now, I would like to ask you what next?

I think about wave periodization and I wrote this program below:

DAY 1 (variation, volume)
Front Squat - 3 X 9-7
Bench Press - 3 X 9-7 @67,5 - 72,5% of 1RM
Lat Pulldown - 3 X 9-7

DAY 2 (technique, skill work, paused)
Squat - 3 X 3-1 @ 80 - 85% of 1RM
Bench Press - 3 X 3-1 @ 80 - 85% of 1RM
Deadlift - 3 X 3-1 @ 80 - 85% of 1RM
Press - 3 X 6-4

DAY 3 (strength)
Squat - 3 X 5-3 @ 82,5 - 87,5% of 1RM
Bench Press - 3 X 5-3 @ 82,5 - 87,5% of 1RM
Barbell Row - 3 X 6-4
Good Morning - 3 X 8

DAY 4 (variation, strength)
Spoto Press - 3 X 6-4
Deadlift - 3 X 5-3 @ 82,5 - 87,5% of 1RM
Cable Rows - 3 X 12-8

So it is 3 weeks cycle program, where each week decreases in volume (reps go down) and increases in intensity (weights go up). Then, in foruth week I would increase every weight by 5 to 10 pounds and start all over again.

Can you suggest me if it is good way of programming?

And by the way, could you take a look on my sumo deadlift so I could make it better? Video below.

Thanks in advance!

Man you may be able to progress with linear still just at a slower pace. 5/3/1 is just a very slow form of linear programming that utilizes wave loading and adding 5-10 lbs every block to training max opposed to every session or week. I was kinda wheee you are several years ago and ran 5/3/1 for a while and was able to get a lot more weight on the bar for about another year working with sub max weights and setting PRs in different rep ranges.

If that doesn’t interest you you can look into a program called “the bridge” by barbell medicine it’s made for ppl coming from starting strength to intermediate programming. It is RPE based however but they give charts for how to calculate with %