Hello guys.
I came to this moment, where linear progression where I was able to add 5 pounds (2,5 kg) every training session is simply impossible for me. I ended up with 440/265/485 score at around 175 bodyweight. Now, I would like to ask you what next?
I think about wave periodization and I wrote this program below:
DAY 1 (variation, volume)
Front Squat - 3 X 9-7
Bench Press - 3 X 9-7 @67,5 - 72,5% of 1RM
Lat Pulldown - 3 X 9-7
DAY 2 (technique, skill work, paused)
Squat - 3 X 3-1 @ 80 - 85% of 1RM
Bench Press - 3 X 3-1 @ 80 - 85% of 1RM
Deadlift - 3 X 3-1 @ 80 - 85% of 1RM
Press - 3 X 6-4
DAY 3 (strength)
Squat - 3 X 5-3 @ 82,5 - 87,5% of 1RM
Bench Press - 3 X 5-3 @ 82,5 - 87,5% of 1RM
Barbell Row - 3 X 6-4
Good Morning - 3 X 8
DAY 4 (variation, strength)
Spoto Press - 3 X 6-4
Deadlift - 3 X 5-3 @ 82,5 - 87,5% of 1RM
Cable Rows - 3 X 12-8
So it is 3 weeks cycle program, where each week decreases in volume (reps go down) and increases in intensity (weights go up). Then, in foruth week I would increase every weight by 5 to 10 pounds and start all over again.
Can you suggest me if it is good way of programming?
And by the way, could you take a look on my sumo deadlift so I could make it better? Video below.
Thanks in advance!