Programming for Strength without Mass

Hi, people what is your advice on programing for a strenght without mass for compound lifts?
What do think about:

Starting Strenght 3x5 or 5x3 linear progression starting at 70% of 1RM, 1kg BP, 2kg SQ, 4kgDL

Grayscull Lp 2x5 1x5+ or 2x3 1x3+ linear progression starting at 70% of 1RM 1kg BP, 2kg SQ, 4kgDL

The PowerliftingToWin Novice Program: Phase One

Phase One: The “True Novice”

Mon, Wed, and Fri: (same workout all three days)
Squat : 2 sets of 3-6 reps
Paused Bench Press: 3 sets of 3-6 reps
Sumo Deadlift: 1 set of 3-6 reps

General Physical Preparation Exercise #1 : 7 minutes to do as many reps as possible
General Physical Preparation Exercise #2:7 minutes to do as many reps as possible
High-Intensity, Interval Training: 7 intervals of ~20sec with 100sec of rest between efforts
Mobility Work: 10 minutes

The Weight Progression Protocol:

Phase One:
Total Reps Completed / Weight to add for next workout:
6 Reps: +2.5lbs / 1.25kg
7-11 Reps: +5lbs / 2.5kg
12 Reps: +10lbs / 5kg

Bench Press
Total Reps Completed / Weight to add for next workout:
9 Reps: +2.5lbs / 1.25kg
10-17 Reps: +5lbs / 2.5kg
18 Reps: +10lbs / 5kg

Total Reps Completed / Weight to add for next workout:
3 Reps: +2.5lbs / 1.25kg
4-5 Reps: +5lbs / 2.5kg
6 Reps: +10lbs / 5kg

2 x The 5 To 8 Method

  • Step #1: Perform 5 gut-busting reps, the fifth rep should be very very hard
  • Step #2: Rest 15 seconds
  • Step #3: Perform 1 gut-busting rep with the original load
  • Step #4: Rest 15 seconds
  • Step #5: Perform 1 gut-busting rep with the original load
  • Step #6: Rest 15 seconds
  • Step #7: Perform 1 final gut-busting rep with the original load

Heavy dubles 6x2 93% 1RM, 2 min rest Tempo 5/0/×/0/

What total rep ranges is used for strength in powerlifting is it good to go with 12 to 15?

If you have some method or rep scheme for beginner linear progres put it in.

I feel like you’re WAY overthinking this if you’re a real beginner.

Google “Jim Wendler Help a Friend Get Stronger” if you need a basic plan.


Seconding @T3hPwnisher

I REALLY wouldn’t program that in there. Like at all. You’re more or less kinda doing your CNS a disservice.

It looks like you’ve meshed 3 programs together, which isn’t gonna be helpful in terms of how long you can keep that up.

I think your best bet is picking ONE program, and not doing ANYTHING but what it has prescribed you to do. Whether that be 5/3/1, Texas Method, SS, GZCL, GreySkull, etc.

At what precentage of 1rep max should i start with Starting Strength 80 or 75? Is it better to use smaller jump in weight from start like 1 kg for BP, OP, 2 kg for DL, SQ, for longer run

Just curious: Are you training for competing in your current weight “class”? If so, you will need to monitor your weight. If you are gaining weight, you are eating too many calories.

You need sufficient protein, but not to the muscle mass building extent. You will need to intake enough fat to keep your hormones functioning properly. And you will need sufficient carbohydrates to keep your muscle glycogen to a level for peak muscle “firing.”

IMO, train lower reps and stay out of the hypertrophy range with weight that feels heavy. I would say 5 rep max range for your compound movements that you are trying to strengthen without mass gaining. I don’t believe 1 rep max is a beneficial training method for a meet. If you feel the need to hold 110% 1 rep max to get accustomed to the weight, do it with accommodating resistance. CNS training is critical.

(All the above supposes that you have perfected your form on these compound movements.)

Im not competing. My bw is 70 kg.
Is it good to alternating between behind the neck press and military press, low and high bar squat?
Is it possibile to do grayscull lp after Starting Strength with deload because it have more volume or GZCL LP