New Training Program

any feedback would be greatly appreciated

max bench - 355(315 x 1 paused)
squat - 550 (405 paused no belt, 455 no belt)
deadlift - 650(550 no belt)

ex:(10) = add 10 pounds per week

Squat 225 x 10 sets x 2 reps(10)
405 x 3 (20)
Pause Squat 345 X 3( 10)
315 x 5( 10)
Front Squat 275 X 3( 10)
225 x 5( 10)
Sldl 315 x 3 sets x 5 reps(10 to 15)
Lat Pulls 150 x AMRAP( 5)
30 yard sprints x 10

Bench 225 x 10 sets x 2(5)
315 x 3(5)
Pause Bench 275 x 3(5)
Bench 275 x 3 sets x 5 reps(5)
Military 165 x 5(5)
Behind Neck 115 x 5(5)
Bench 225 x AMRAP (5)
2 mile walk

Jump Squat 135 x 10 sets x 2(5)
Squat 225 x 10 sets x 2(10)
225 x 20(10)
Front Squat 135 x 20(10)
Romanian Deadlift 225 x 20(10 to 20)
Medicine Ball Throws
50 meter sprints x 8

Incline Bench 135 x 20 (10)
Military 115 x 20(5)
Behind Neck 95 x 20(5)
Dumbbell Shoulder (no support) 35 x 3 sets x 20(2.5 to 5)
Lat Raises 40 x 3 sets x 20(2.5 to 5)
Reverse Flys 40 x 3 sets x 20(2.5 to 5)
Skull Crushers 95 x 3 sets x 20(2.5 to 5)
2 mile walk

Deadlift 315 x 10 sets x 1(20)
no belt sumo 405 x 5 (20)
no belt conv 405 x 5 (20)
t&g 405 x AMRAP (20)
Pause Deadlift no belt sumo 315 x 5(10 to 15)
no belt conv 315 x 5(10 to 15)
Shrugs 365 x AMRAP ( 10 to 20)
Lat pull 170 x 3 sets x 5 (5)
Barbell Row 275 x 3 sets x 5(10)
225 x AMRAP

Barbell Curls 135 x 3sets x 5(5)
95 x AMRAP (5)
Dumbell Curls 30 x AMRAP (5 per month)
20 x AMRAP (5 per month)
Dumbell Shrugs 60 x AMRAP (5 per month)
50 x AMRAP (5 per month)
Forearm Curls 20 x 300 total reps ( 20 reps)
Sledge Hammer Swings
Timed Sprints 20 yards, 50 yards, 100 yards


I wouldn’t do it no way I could swing the volume if your being honest with the numbers and what not. Less is more in my opinion. Some of my best gains have come from walking into the gym working up to max all out set for how ever many reps forcing a PR and going home.

[quote]Reed wrote:
I wouldn’t do it no way I could swing the volume if your being honest with the numbers and what not. Less is more in my opinion. Some of my best gains have come from walking into the gym working up to max all out set for how ever many reps forcing a PR and going home. [/quote]

i was wondering about more amrap sets as far as the compound lifts are concerned, i already ran one cycle with a george leeman type routine and this one im running now is an upgrade from that, what would you recommend as far as implementing amrap sets into this routine here because im seeing some nasty gainz from the amrap sets i have in here now

  • to add some credibility to my words, since most people on this site are skeptical at best