any feedback would be greatly appreciated
max bench - 355(315 x 1 paused)
squat - 550 (405 paused no belt, 455 no belt)
deadlift - 650(550 no belt)
ex:(10) = add 10 pounds per week
Squat 225 x 10 sets x 2 reps(10)
405 x 3 (20)
Pause Squat 345 X 3( 10)
315 x 5( 10)
Front Squat 275 X 3( 10)
225 x 5( 10)
Sldl 315 x 3 sets x 5 reps(10 to 15)
Lat Pulls 150 x AMRAP( 5)
30 yard sprints x 10
Bench 225 x 10 sets x 2(5)
315 x 3(5)
Pause Bench 275 x 3(5)
Bench 275 x 3 sets x 5 reps(5)
Military 165 x 5(5)
Behind Neck 115 x 5(5)
Bench 225 x AMRAP (5)
2 mile walk
Jump Squat 135 x 10 sets x 2(5)
Squat 225 x 10 sets x 2(10)
225 x 20(10)
Front Squat 135 x 20(10)
Romanian Deadlift 225 x 20(10 to 20)
Medicine Ball Throws
50 meter sprints x 8
Incline Bench 135 x 20 (10)
Military 115 x 20(5)
Behind Neck 95 x 20(5)
Dumbbell Shoulder (no support) 35 x 3 sets x 20(2.5 to 5)
Lat Raises 40 x 3 sets x 20(2.5 to 5)
Reverse Flys 40 x 3 sets x 20(2.5 to 5)
Skull Crushers 95 x 3 sets x 20(2.5 to 5)
2 mile walk
Deadlift 315 x 10 sets x 1(20)
no belt sumo 405 x 5 (20)
no belt conv 405 x 5 (20)
t&g 405 x AMRAP (20)
Pause Deadlift no belt sumo 315 x 5(10 to 15)
no belt conv 315 x 5(10 to 15)
Shrugs 365 x AMRAP ( 10 to 20)
Lat pull 170 x 3 sets x 5 (5)
Barbell Row 275 x 3 sets x 5(10)
225 x AMRAP
Barbell Curls 135 x 3sets x 5(5)
95 x AMRAP (5)
Dumbell Curls 30 x AMRAP (5 per month)
20 x AMRAP (5 per month)
Dumbell Shrugs 60 x AMRAP (5 per month)
50 x AMRAP (5 per month)
Forearm Curls 20 x 300 total reps ( 20 reps)
Sledge Hammer Swings
Timed Sprints 20 yards, 50 yards, 100 yards