Powerlifting in a Fasted State

I struggle with getting my nutrition down, and have many questions. However I"ll stick to just one for now. I like to hit the gym first thing in the morning. Up at 5am and in the gym by 5:30. That gives me and hour to train (5/3/1) before I have to get ready for work. I’ve tried a few pre-workouts, and other than the crazy itchiness I get all over my body. It seems to be pretty hit or miss on whether it’s going to actually work that day or not. So I’ve given up on those. Lately I’ve been taking a shot of instant coffee with a little bit of coconut oil in it, then going. It seems to help a little.

I’m wondering, is there anything else I could look into? If there has already been a thread like this, please link me to it, if it’d be more convenient. Thank you for any help you may give.

I can’t tell from the thread, but do you WANT to train fasted, or are you willing to wake up earlier so that you can eat more food before training?

I know that some guys can get away with training totally fasted or with the MCT/ coconut oil and coffee combo but personally I train much better with some carbs in me. If I were in your shoes Id try to get some fruit and a protein shake in on my way to the gym and maybe also sip some gatorade or other carby drink mixed with water while training. If you’re determined to train fasted or just prefer it for whatever reason, just make sure that you’re not skimping on carbs post workout and at night so that you have enough glycogen stored for your training session in the morning. It seems to be an individual thing from what I’ve seen and read so just do what works for you.

[quote]T3hPwnisher wrote:
I can’t tell from the thread, but do you WANT to train fasted, or are you willing to wake up earlier so that you can eat more food before training?[/quote]

My apologies. I currently train in a fasted state. I’m wondering if training in a fasted state is inhibiting my power output and what are my options to potentially increase my energy levels going into my morning workout. Your suggestion of getting up early is what I’m looking for. Different ideas to help my energy levels.

[quote]TrevorLPT wrote:
I know that some guys can get away with training totally fasted or with the MCT/ coconut oil and coffee combo but personally I train much better with some carbs in me. If I were in your shoes Id try to get some fruit and a protein shake in on my way to the gym and maybe also sip some gatorade or other carby drink mixed with water while training. If you’re determined to train fasted or just prefer it for whatever reason, just make sure that you’re not skimping on carbs post workout and at night so that you have enough glycogen stored for your training session in the morning. It seems to be an individual thing from what I’ve seen and read so just do what works for you. [/quote]

Exactly what I’m looking for. Thank you very much sir.

I’d guess, based your schedule you eat your last evening meal at 5:00 pm-ish. So worst case senerio you have about 13 hours of fasting, a lot of that time asleep. I think the lack of energy is psychological or that its just too damned early in the morning. A lot of people workout on this schedule and perform maximally and see gains. I have a later dinner, usually 6:30 pm, and train from 9:30 to 12ish the next morning and I wish I could make that schedule permanent. My energy/capacity couldn’t be better.

Sleep, train (simulated hunt) feast, repeat.

Yeah I’d agree with what Trevor said, try having a scoop of protein and a banana on the way to the gym or just before you leave the house, I always train in the morning and just chuck that down before going, and actually since I’ve got used to doing that I actually prefer training on a relatively empty stomach than if I’ve had a meal or two.

[quote]Your name here wrote:
I’ve tried a few pre-workouts, and other than the crazy itchiness I get all over my body. [/quote]

Sounds like you’re taking what I’d call a pre-workout stimulant (like No Xplode). Is that the case? It’s called niacin flush I think. If you want to eat prior I would pick a different supplement. Something with carbs in it (like the Plazma sold here).

You could always try something fast digesting like cream of rice too.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with training fasted. It’s not for me though.

I’ve hit all my 1RM PR’s in the last week fasted. I do carb up the night before though

On your schedule, BCAA’s would be a definite requirement for me. I’ve yet to find one that mixes for a damn, so maybe mix it the night before and down it on the way to the gym.

I do the coffee (drip, I can’t stomach instant) and coconut oil as well and it seems to help. When I was competing in powerlifting, I preferred rice, peanut butter and honey mixed together about 30 minutes before my flight.

You guys are awesome, thank you for you input. It’s much appreciated.

[quote]TheStrengthFarm wrote:
On your schedule, BCAA’s would be a definite requirement for me. I’ve yet to find one that mixes for a damn. [/quote]

Xtend by Scivation mixes extremely well and tastes good. Too expensive for me to use, but if you have the money and think BCAAs are important then thats the brand I’d go with.

[quote]Your name here wrote:
I’m wondering if training in a fasted state is inhibiting my power output and what are my options to potentially increase my energy levels going into my morning workout.[/quote]

The quote below was written by Christian Thibaudeau in reference to fasted cardio… but, IMO it applies to any sort of fasted exercise (weight training also increases cortisol).

“Cortisol is at its highest in the morning (the cortisol spike is what allows you to have energy when you wake-up). If you don’t eat, it will stay elevated and even increase. And if you do cardio work, which also tends to jack up cortisol output, you’ll end up with a sky-high cortisol level, which is one of the best ways to lose muscle. Not only that, if it gets high enough you’ll actually have a hard time bringing it down during the day (especially when in a caloric deficit). You end up spending the whole day in a muscle-wasting state!”

Anyway, the solution is to consume something. Banana, yoghurt, add sugar and full fat cream to your coffee… there’s lots of options and it doesn’t need to be difficult.