Powerlifting For Beginners

Does anyone have a blueprint I could follow?


Having a hard time getting a response here. Seems like all those fuckers trying to get cut get responses.

I’m trying to get strong, big and fat.

I have the basics down. I have the weights, the appetite, and the intensity.

I just need the program. Right now I’m doing the basic 3 lifts…but I would like some insight on exactly how to go about a basic routine.

You need to go to elitefts.com and westside-barbell.com and read the articles, many times.

Bro id say just START get to lifting smart, eating big etc. while reading up. There is simply TO MUCH to try and say in a post to someone with a blank slate.

Id start here with Dave Tates “Education Of a Powerlifter I and II”

Then move to his 8 Keys this is the last one of four but has links to the other three

Read logs here, get a basic knowlegde get a base of strenght, set goals, come bakc with any and all more directed questions

Id suggest ordering the w/o templates from Elite FTS as well they’ll help a ton

Hope that helps,

[quote]Phill wrote:
Bro id say just START get to lifting smart, eating big etc. while reading up. There is simply TO MUCH to try and say in a post to someone with a blank slate.

Id start here with Dave Tates “Education Of a Powerlifter I and II”

Then move to his 8 Keys this is the last one of four but has links to the other three

Read logs here, get a basic knowlegde get a base of strenght, set goals, come bakc with any and all more directed questions

Id suggest ordering the w/o templates from Elite FTS as well they’ll help a ton

Hope that helps,

thanks Phill, yeah just looking for somewhere to start…I figured you guys could point me in the right direction here

i got some reading to do and i can probaly figure this all out myself. i was just looking for maybe some programs already existing that are pretty good,

thanks man

I would also read everything by Wendler on Elitets; + mike robertson’s article on bench set up (‘yo, how much you bench?’); and Dan John’s “attemp at explaining the squat” on his website danjohn.org.