powerlifting is brand new to me ive been reading my eyes out for the past few weeks and ive seen 2 types of routines. westside barbell and periodized. im just wandering which one of these would be suited for a beginner???
and any other advice is welcome!!
Id say it depends on how beginner you are?? areyou new to lifting all together or do you have a good base of strength??
Id serach and look for a recent thread along the line of “to early fo westside?” it covers a ton. even westside has beginner templates you might look at getting the template book ordered from them.
If you new to lifting Go lift hevay things with an aim at getting a good base,learn how to squat, DL, bench, GM etc.
Guess Ill leave it at that for now once those are anwered we can helpo a bit more
I think it’s best to get started with a linear approach. And hit the assistance hard on it, cause if your a beginner anything will work and the lighter weights in the beginning will let your body adapt instead of just going for 3RM’s right away and all that. Also hit the assistance hard. Good luck
I’d say just keep it really simple.
Just hit the main lifts for 3 sets of 6 and then do some assistance work after works in the 8-12 rep range for a few sets.
As for “peaking”, a way that has always worked well for me:
(sets x reps)
week 1: 3x6
week 2: 1x6
week 3: 2x5
week 4: 1x5
week 5: 3x3
week 6: 1x3
week 7: 1x2
Have a look at the recent post about an Ed Coan squat routine, it contains what I imagine to be (since I’ve never tried it) an effective 10 week offseason approach.
im not completely new at all… ive been lifting for around 2 1/2 yrs. i started out lifting in jr high for football then started bodybuilding for about a year.
I just need some info as to what would send my strength through the roof. ive already got a good base, i just need a solid routine or something to read and work off of.
Well if its westside your interested in then you MUST read the eight keys and also education of a powerlifter, then the rest of the articles here and on elite, order the training templates and get going.
Your main thing eat and lift heavy stuff.