I know i should be consuming a dextrose or maltodextrin…but i’m gonna wait for biotest’s new post w/o formula…I think John berardi said a week or two til its unvieled(crowd roars). What would i be better off makin my post wo carbs for now…I used to use oj and whey…but the fructose is absorbed slow correct? would i be better off with a bagel …what are some better foods or juices post wo…thanks t men
Apparently Dates (dried) have a glycemic index of 103 (on the glucose scale)which is not significantly different to glucose 100 or maltodextrin 105 I think
good luck
Cornflakes and rice cakes have been suggested in the past by charles poliquin. if i can’t get them, i often eat simple white bread (usually 4 slices = 60 grams of carbs according to the loaf info) or white rice.
Most juices (well - fructose) will go to the liver before it goes to the muscles, which is, of course, where you want it to go. so try for any other sort of suger post wo before fructose. the actual sugar type ratio will depend on the fruit, but oj is definately on the slow side.
Grape juice-whey
Oh, grape juice-dextrose
Yeah, but GI isn’t the only consideration. According to guys like Lyle McDonald, you want to avoid fructose in your PWO drink because it replentishes liver more than muscle, and because fructose can slow fat-burning by up to 40% by refilling liver so quickly. Instead, look for dextrose or maltodextrin.
Acikita fructose has a low GI so you dont want it for that reason either
What I use (and I didn’t invent this, I got it from Poliquin in person) is 6-8 oz. pineapple juice, 100-150 grams maltodextrin depending on the number of reps, and 50 grams of a high quality whey. His theory on the fruit juice is that it can instantly replenish the liver so that the malto can then not have to worry about doing that before it goes to the muscles.
Maltose as opposed to malto-dextrin has a GI of 110
Where do you buy dextrose or maltodextrin, in a supermart or someplace like GNC? I have heard all about them, but not where to get them. Also how expensive are they?
Sorry - this may have been unclear after rereading my post. I meant you want the sugar to go to your muscles to replenish them, not your liver. Unless you’re using the juice and maltodextrin method poster before. In most cases you would not use fructose post work out.
NEB,you should be able to get it at a health food store or a wine and beer supply store.Don’t tell them the purpose your using it though or they might increase the price.
NEB I haven’t tried to find glucose but you can get maltodextrose pretty cheap at most wine-making supply stores (a tip from Poliquin). I’ve seen it as cheap as $60 for a 50 lb bag.
I called a local wine supply store and they have maltodextrose for .99 cents a pound! The store owner related maltodextrose is corn sugar. He also said he sells maltodextrin. Is there a difference? The pineapple juice, whey, maltodextrin / maltodextrose idea is excellent.
Hey Kali, I can’t complain about Poliquin’s recommendation either. Post workout shakes are of the utmost importance in his nutritional arsenal, and I have gotten spectacular results since I got his formula. The only thing I am thinking about improving upon (I am not certain this will work better or not) is substituting a portion of the maltodextrin with a glucose drink that they sell for people with diabetes. I got the idea when my pregnant wife had to take some sort of glucose test (required by the doctors and insurance), they sent her home with a bottle of orange glucose drink to be ingested before her next visit when they were to draw blood and examine. I have found such items at the local pharmacy but they are very expensive so I do not know where to get them for what they are really worth. They also sell glucose tablets for diabetics (they look just like tums), but a liquid form would be much better.
Dave, I bought the maltodextrin and a large can of pineapple Juice last night, I already had a tub o’ whey. The only problem was the result, using 8 oz juice was a thick glob. I watered it down and was able to drink it. The glucose idea sounds good, let me know how it works.
Forget about mixing the juice with the rest, I tried that once and the taste was horrendous, just drink the juice straight, then mix the maltodextrin and the whey in water with a dash of glutamine and 500-1000 mgs. of vitamin C, I use champion nutritions chocolate and the taste of that shake is excellent. PS, do you have a source for powdered dexrtose?? I think 50% malto, 50% dextrose should do the trick.
Dave, I’m not sure about the glucose drinks, but those glucose tablets you saw are just dextrose. You can get 11lbs of powdered dextrose for $10 at supplementdirect.
Ok, now I feel like a complete fucking idiot. I’ve been choaking down a mixture of whey protein, 8 oz pineapple juice, and approx. 100 g of malto. Today I almost blew chunks after drinking it. I think we (T-men) get into the mode of mixing everything together in a blender and I, for one, didn’t even think of drinking the juice separately!!! If I find a cheap source for dextrose I’ll post.
Is there any benefit to using a 50% glucose - 50% maltodextrin combination instead of just using 100% maltodextrin for your PW carb source?