Preferable Carb in Post Workout Shake?


I was taking Dextrose with my Whey and Creatine after my WOrkout. Due to the small difference in price to a more “compelx” supplement, I decided I would change my carb of choice.

I found a supplement similar to Cytomax (from a local brand here in my country) that contains maltodextrin, fructose, dextrose and vitamins and minerals. I thought it would be a better idea as it would refill my body also with vitamins and minerals.

The lady that runs the shop told me that for my post workout drink I should stick with Dextrose, because it has a much faster absorption than the other supplement. According to her, Malto and Fructose would be a slow release of carbs. Thats why according to her I should take it on my pre-training.

ALthough I agree that Dextrose has a much higher rate of absorption, does it really make any difference? Isnt Malto and Fructose also high GI carbs and would serve the same purpose?

I endeup buying both products, as they are pretty cheap.

My question is, should I skip dextrose after this pto is over and use the other product instead?

I hope you guys can give me some advice on this.


Most forms of maltodextrin have a GI of 100, so it’s considered to be a “fast” carb.

Fructose is low Glycemic Index, while dextrose and Maltodextrin are high, You should use dex, and malt before and after before you want to spike your insulin. It also makes for a better lift and makes you feel better than eating low GI like oatmeal IMO. I’d say use dextrose because it is alot sweeter.

Thats me though, if you like a nonsweet drink use malto. I take mine pre, and during I don’t have post w/o shake as i consume 200carbs 150protein pre/during.

blended raw oats my man. Blended raw oats all day.

[quote]waylanderxx wrote:
blended raw oats my man. Blended raw oats all day.[/quote]

this is what I do as well, mixed with 2C whole milk and a scoop of protein. Sometimes I’ll add Natty PB.

[quote]waylanderxx wrote:
blended raw oats my man. Blended raw oats all day.[/quote]

X2. Steel cut raw oats

[quote]waylanderxx wrote:
blended raw oats my man. Blended raw oats all day.[/quote]

X3 w/protein honey, banana, sometimes a berry blend as well

Preferable carb for me is usually a banana or oats or something. I like eating whole foods. If i mixed dextrose into my shake, I’d feel hungry again.


I never got all caught up in the different sugar sources aside from thinking ‘fast’ and ‘slow’. To me, ‘slow’ meant oatmeal throughout the day. Eventually I began substituting Ezekial bread for Oats simply because of the convenience factor.

‘Fast’ meant sugar cereal or poptarts, and was pretty much reserved for my immediate post workout feeding. Suffice to say, I made pretty ok gains with this approach long before I became addicted to Finibars -lol.