I’m a big supplement guy always have been, some work well like creatine others are a total waste of money.
I wanted to see what lifters in our age group are using and having success with. I know there’s a nutrition/supplement forum but what works for a 21 year old isn’t relevant to me.
Anyone using anything to naturally boost test levels that they would recommend?
[quote]Jersey Centurion wrote:
I’m a big supplement guy always have been, some work well like creatine others are a total waste of money.
I wanted to see what lifters in our age group are using and having success with. I know there’s a nutrition/supplement forum but what works for a 21 year old isn’t relevant to me.
Anyone using anything to naturally boost test levels that they would recommend?[/quote]
At 52, I find squats, deads, and heavy freaking compounds do it for me… raised mine from a whopping 152 to 547… all natty… oh… and food… LOTS of food…
Seriously though have moved away from most supplements, protein is about it these days. I do like Rhodiola and powerdrive they just don’t fit in right now.
Cookies top my list for 2012 replacing 2011’s #1 supplement, Shame.
I also like the cytosport weight gainer with 540 calories and 50+ grams of protein, yes I use weight gainer, mostly so I don’t have to buy belts, also because it’s hard to choke down all the calories I need via waffles.
protein obviously, cheap creatine monohydrate, still a big fan of glutamine
fish oil, potassium, multi-vitamin, ACV, glucosomine/chondritin (sp), and have been taking ubiquinol for last several months, not sure what the effects of that will be. these I consider more anti-aging than strictly for lifting/muscle gain
Flameout (shameless plug) Optimum Nutrition Whey and Casein + ON Creatine then a homemade concoction of Asparine/Caffine/Ephedra. Otherwise a GOOD amount of clean food ; ) Have gone from 173# @ 11%bf to 203# @ 10%bf in 15 months ; )
I find when I am having higher levels of sex the better my lifts go, the more productive I am at work, my stress levels are lower and I lean out a bit.
Ihave also found, to my shame, that the supplement that sounds like cracked also helps keep my energy up during lifting.
I find when I am having higher levels of sex the better my lifts go, the more productive I am at work, my stress levels are lower and I lean out a bit.
Ihave also found, to my shame, that the supplement that sounds like cracked also helps keep my energy up during lifting.[/quote]
I use that as well, really helps power me thru my workouts. I have also used another sup by that company thats an herbal test booster-seems to work pretty well.
[quote]Jersey Centurion wrote:
Im giving D-Aspartic Acid a try right now, anyone have any expierence with it?[/quote]
I am using D-aspartic. Helps with libido for sure. I also take maca-maca right before I lift as well.
Also take creatine,protein,bcaa’s,multi-vitamin and fish oil.[/quote]
I just started with D-Aspartic and had the same reaction. What type of dosing/cycling are you doing with it? I’ve been putting it in my pre-workout drink 3 grams.