Olympic Lifting Club in Nebraska?

I will hopefully be going to Lincoln for law school and while there I would like to get into Olympic Lifting with some sort of team association and coaching (even if just from more experienced peers).

However, according to the USA Weightlifting list of affiliated clubs (weightlifting.teamusa.org/assets/documents/ attached_file/filename/17463/Current_clubs_9-18-2009.xls) there are no clubs in Nebraska, let alone Lincoln. Considering the Huskers popularized Oly lifting for football, this surprises me quite a bit.

Are there any resources out there that have a more extensive list of clubs?

have you tried contacting someone from the Husker Power Club (huskerpowerclub.com) or looking for a local crossfit gym?

All I can say is good luck in law school. I currently attend Texas Wesleyan Law at night while continuing my full time job. Somewhere in all that I find time to workout 4-5 times a week.

Sorry, I don’t know anyplace in Lincoln, NE. Like previous poster stated, look for a Crossfit facility maybe?