I don’t have pull up bar to do weighted pull ups, how screwed am I? I can do barbell bent over row and ohp instead of dumbell but I have no replacement for weighted pull ups, idk what to do? And no I can’t buy a pull up bar to put on my door frame to do weighted pull ups, do I have to do pull ups for canditio 6 week intermediate program or is it optional?
I see cheap (~$20) pull up/dip stations on Facebook market place all the time.
You seriously can’t find something to hang off? I once did weighted pull-ups off a tree branch.
I assume you have a squat rack/stands to be able to do this program - Worst case scenario put the jcups at maximum height, put the barbell across it and use that as a pull-up bar.
You can always use a lat pull down
Buy gymnastics rings and either mount them on some ceiling, or buy ones with a strap that can be looped around a tree branch or something. It might take some getting used to, but in a lot of ways pull ups on rings are easier because they irritate the shoulders and elbows less.
Yeah, you’re screwed. It’s over.
No pull up bar? That’s the only way you can pull your body up.
The Aztecs and Greeks had to actually buy pull up bars to lift their body up, over and over again.
How will you do pull ups without a pull up bar? I heard you can do it on anything that’s sturdy and has a grip (tree branches, playgrounds, a barbell stacked on top of shit), but that would just be silly.
I suggest you do some more bicep curls instead.
I’ve never, ever seen anyone post that they did not have the proper equipment to perform a pull up. That’s a first.
Pull ups and push ups are the most basic, accessible upper body movements that exist. People who don’t even have a place to train do them. You can go to a park. Or an open staircase. Or a tree. Or door frame. or a bridge. Or any other place you can find something to hang from. I could walk outside my office right now, and find a dozen different places to do pull ups without having to walk more than 5 minutes.
Yeah doesnt matter, as a beginner you really dont need weighted pullups anyway. Just get a bar and do them unweighted
If you can do 5x10 perfect pullups/chins from a dead hang thats all 90% of trainees will ever need.
-They are just programmed to balance out pushing movements
Agreed. I could probably handle weighted pull ups, but I don’t find them remotely necessary. It’s been years since the last time I added weight for pull ups.
Just do them faster. If you can do a set of pull ups in the fast/explosive speed range, then add weight.
Otherwise you’re just adding a big pendulums dingus thing to your body.
As I said I don’t have a pull up bar so I don’t understand why people keep telling me stuff that I can’t do, I can’t do them at all since I don’t have a pull up bar, I need a replacement, pendlay rows instead??
Maybe you missed this bit, or any of the other posts with work arounds in?
I assume your not squatting in a power rack? Are you lifting in a gym or a home set up?
Do what ever the hell you want.
No one actually cares.
And if you’re so fixated on this candito plan, go to his YouTube channel and contact him yourself. He’s a freakin kid that lifts weights, not a damn world leader.
Right there. In the link. Just click on it. Probably the only thing in the world easier than finding a place to do a pull up.
Maybe I care .
I’m sure you’re having a really hard time with this.
One day, I might find myself on Mars so I am also interested.
Mars Bars!
I am a sensitive sorta of fellow …
I decided to do pendlay rows instead of pull ups since I don’t have a pull up bar, so I don’t need any help anymore but thanks to anyone who was trying to genuinely help