I couldnt do any most of my life also. Im 6’2, around 250lbs, been into Muay Thai and MMA most of my life, i am also an instructor now and i also have clients in the gym.
When i worked really hard for this, i could do like 10-12 pullups with neutral grip, some 8 palms facing me, and some 2-3 with palms facing away. Now i probably cant do any again cuz i just dont do it. Why? Well, because when i busted my ass to be able to do it, and i managed to - nothing actually changed in my life. Imagine that? No one ever asked me to show off my pullups to pay me money for it or to suck my dick for it.
No one gave a shit… And i started wondering - why do i? Do i enjoy that exercise? No, its kinda hard on my elbows. Did i get some amazing hypertrophy benefits? Nope. Did anything, besides achy elbows and extra gym time to train pullups, change in my life? No. So i stopped doing them.
Its kinda similar with rows. I never really feel them as a good hypertrophy exercise, they make my lower back tired, which sucks when i do squats and deads(which i love), but nothing else really changes.
So nowdays i view exercises either by - do i feel them in the right muscles, and/or - do i like doing em.
If i dont enjoy the exercise, like i enjoy deadlifting, and if it doesnt make my muscles pumped and burn, like dips do, i just dont do because - why should i?
Most of these strength and fitness standards suck ass. Pullups, pushups, crunches, running, whatnot. Unless its necessary for a job, or unless they actually do something for your goal - fuck em. Whats funny is that even professions where they are necessary for a job, dont actually need you to do them on a job.
I have trained military as an MMA coach, and it always made me smile on the inside, how these guys can do pullups, but cant throw a punch worth a shit. I mean, which is closer to what they do? Close combat or pullups? Where the fuck do you pull up on a bar in combat?
I actually saw russian military having to do front flips. Why the fuck? Dont see Russians front-flipping away from missiles in Ukraine, dont we, haha.
Kinda like fighters being obsessed with jump rope. If you can jump good for 3 mins, you are done with it. The same fighter who can jump for 10mins, will not become any better at fighting if he will be able to jump for 30mins. Nothing in his actual fighting abilities will change.
That is junk training.
Doing pullups just to do pullups is junk training. You can do what i do, and fry all the back muscles with 2-3 band exercises, lol.
Now if you enjoy it and thats your goal - cool.
Keep in mind tho, that if its so hard for you, same like me, its not like you will ever be good at it. You will bust your ass and pay a coach to do 1… then 3… maybe 5. The guys doing em right now will bust out 10+ while you will grind through the 4th one.
If its so hard now, nothing you will do, will make you breeze through em like a professional climber or smth.
So if your goal is to do 3 - cool, carry on. But if your goal is to be good at em, we already know its never gonna happen. Its kinda like that in everything. Best bodybuilders looked like bodybuilders before they even knew what they are doing in the gym. Those who look like shit can do all the bodybuilding training and diet and steroids, they will look better but never like THAT anyways.