Nick Best on My Strange Addiction

last night him and his family were on that show, crazy stuff I heard from it
Nick eats 12-15 thousand calories a day
His garage is full of strongman stuff it looks awesome
his son who is like 10 deadlifted 135…also his wife is jacked
they go through 12 dozen eggs a week…delicious

I loved how they kept comparing the children to recommended averages in weight and food intake, as if that’s still remotely relevant for kids like that.

I know I hate the whole " recommended" calorie intake/weight thing doctors use. I’m " supposed" to be 185lbs and I told my doctor I’m not on the damn track team, my sport is lifting shit

Lol I eat twice the recommended amount of calories, and I am a freaking skinny bastard.

To be honest, that whole video was a bunch of bullshit. Can someone explain how it is possible to train 240 hours a week… When there are 168 hours in a week? The Strongest Family in the World | My Crazy Obsession - YouTube The bullshit spewed in the comments are also funny.

[quote]DSSG wrote:

To be honest, that whole video was a bunch of bullshit. Can someone explain how it is possible to train 240 hours a week… When there are 168 hours in a week? The bullshit spewed in the comments are also funny. [/quote]

There’s a lot of comment dispute over that, it seems they’re adding up the combined hours of each family member into a 240 hour total.

The comments are hilarious, I saw a good one about some guy going on and on about growth plates blah blah blah, then being summarily shut down by some guy that referenced three separate studies on it, no reply comments after that, pure gold.

yeah that’s what I was guessing, 240 hours total for all 4 of them…but how nice would it be to have that kind of garage :confused:

Nick Best has one of the strongest skulls I’ve ever seen

[quote]Mike__Madden wrote:
yeah that’s what I was guessing, 240 hours total for all 4 of them…but how nice would it be to have that kind of garage :/[/quote]
That is a lucky kid!!

I don’t see a problem with this at all… The kids are safe because they have good teachers showing them how to do the lifting…

[quote]spar4tee wrote:
Nick Best has one of the strongest skulls I’ve ever seen[/quote]

With the kind of groceries they are putting away, I hope they have one of the strongest shitters as well.

Fuckkk I need to eat moar
How the fuck is 10-15000 kcal in a day even possible?
Must be guzzling olive oil and cream by the bottle
Liquid brownie batter?
Seriously, wtf?