Howdy y’all, been lurking T-Nation for a few months and really enjoying it.
Decided to join the forums to get a bigger and better perspective than all the haters surrounding me.
Started this year at 220 lbs, 26% bodyfat. (fattest i’ve ever been)
Cleaned up my diet alot, started hitting the gym, and stopped with the carb rich foods.
right now, i’m at 185 lbs and 17-18% bodyfat.
i’ve hit a plateau and was wondering where to go next.
As far what i eat, 4-5 meals a day, as low carb as possible, (like 20-60 grams daily max) with eggs and tuna being the main characters.
I’ve also just started adding in as many “Power Foods” (Great Article) as i can while staying well under maintenance.
Example meal would be 4 eggs, 1 liter of water, and salad.
With training, i’ve mostly stayed with the machines but i’m starting to use free weights more often.
My brother actually hurt his back deadlifting (unfortunate accident, although he is better now) and it’s sort of kept me away from the heavier lifts (I.E. Squats, Deadlifts, Olympic Lifts) but i’ve realised that thats part of what’s holding me back.
This hasn’t stopped me from working my upper body though as i’ve nearly doubled my max weight on most lifts (Ex. started 95 lbs horizontal press, now at 205lbs)
strong areas: legs, chest, triceps.
weak areas: biceps, shoulders, lower back.
I’ve decided to try Thib’s Pendulum training for a cycle (5 weeks) and see where it takes me.
Any advice for a somewhat newbie?
oh and as far as cardio, HIIT is my favorite and i do it 2-3 times per week.
Thanks in advance