Hey all, I?ve been lurking around T-Nation for about two years now and I thought it was time to post some pics. I?ve come a long way, in my opinion from being obese motherfckr at 240 lbs at 5?8? during my sophomore year of HS (not muscle I assure you) and shrunk all the way down to 165 at the end of senior year.
I lifted but it was on and off, but now I?ve been lifting consistently 6 days a week for 1 year now and I?m up to 185 lbs. I love it- it?s addictive. I?m a freshman in college and my goal is to keep getting stronger while also cutting down the remaining fat I have as much as possible (extra adipose tissue sux) so I can see more definition.
I know ppl on the site complain about others being afraid of getting fat blah blah blah. Well I?m one of them?being overweight for like 12 years, so yeah I do have a chronic fear of being fat. But I lift and do my sh*t regardless so what does it matter.
Goals: I want more power and muscle volume- point blank. More specifically I want to increase my bench because I?ve plateued at the moment at no more than 1 rep with 225- been there for a while now. I tried changing up my workout routines to shock my body to grow more, but hasn?t worked out.
Critique of routine, supplements (I?ve only been taking ON Gold standard Whey, various fat burners, using HOT-ROX Extreme now?and just got no-xplode but not happy with it- and yes I did read the arganine scam article on the site but I needed to see for myself) is appreciated.
I workout on a four day split routine, for about hour and a half to 2 hours most of the time- but if something feels too tired that day I?ll work something else:
Current stats:
Height: 5?9?
Weight: 185 lbs
Bench: 225
Squat (deep and right): 345
Deadlift: 335- I don?t have wraps otherwise it would be more, I?ve been trying to work on my pussy grip
Day 1: Chest, Tris, ABS (I?ll put specifics on ?important? Stuff)
*Quick warmup on pec-deck machine to get blood flowing
- Flat BB bench press for 3-4 sets
- 10x135, 6x185, 3-4x205, 1x225
- Flat DB press 3-4 sets
- Decline BB bench 3 sets
- Dips 3 sets
- Skull crushers 3 sets
- Incline DB fly 3-4 sets
- Close-grip BB bench 3 sets
- One arm cable pressdown until exhaustion (tris are lagging so I?m trying to make up)
- ABS for 15 mins at end
Day 2: Legs, calves, abs
- Squat 5 sets usually
- 8x135, 8x225, 6x275, 3x315, 1x345
- Leg extension 3 sets
- 45 degree leg press 4 sets ending with 1x715
- Sitting calf press 4 sets
- Standing calf press 4 sets
- Lunges with weighted BB on shoulders 3 sets
Day 3: Shoulders, biceps, forearms
- straight BB curl 3-4 sets
- seated BB behind the head shoulder press 3-4 sets
- Hammer curls 3 sets
- seated DB shoulder press 4 sets
- preacher curls 3 sets
- seated incline DB curls 3 sets
- ?Tri-fecta?? DB front, side, and bent over raises till I feel like I?m going to puke
- Forearms till exhaustion
Day 4: back, traps, abs
- pull-ups 3 sets
- Deadlift 4 sets
- 8x135, 8x225, 3x275, 1x335
- behind the head lat-pulldown 4 sets
- close-grip lever bent over row 4-5 sets
- seated shrugs
- cable straight-arm pulldown 3-4 sets
gonna post more pics under