hello all,
I’ve been browsing this site for a while now. It’s been an amazing help to my fitness goals and program. But I just want to see if what I’m doing so far is going to be okay.
About me:
6 months ago I weighed in the 230 range with probably around 20+% body fat. Over the summer I started eating “clean” and lost a lot of weight. I’m a college student, and, when I returned, started lifting, and eventually doing some cardio on the off days. Because of my schedule I’ve been slacking lately, although I still get into the weight room at least twice a week. I’ve been lifting consistently for 4 months now, but on and off before this during high school and the first few years of college.
Me now:
20 years old
10ish% body fat (It was 9.6% last time I checked it)
My current program:
Full body works out MWF
Assisted Dip (I’m weak)
Assisted Pull up (again, weak)
Dumbell shoulder (military) press
Dumbell Bent over Row
I also do some ab work with the swiss ball
If there’s time I might do arm specific work outs as well, but I think my core muscles need more work at this point
I’m experimenting with a 4x6 set/rep scheme. What I want to do is this: M 4x6 W4x7 F4x8
Each day dropping a little bit of weight, but keeping my total volume increasing. I’m open to any sort of suggestions here. I’m new to this game–really new.
does this work? Any suggestions? The weight I lift is pretty small. I’ve never done the Squat or Deadlift until a few weeks ago (100lbs for each basically. Long way to go).
What do you think? Any advice or recommended reading? I’m not using any supplements right now. I don’t particularly want to use any creatine or the like, but I do want to start taking vitamin supplements. On my list so far: ZMA, some type of fish oil, and a good multivitamin.
My main goal is to increase strength, but some muscle growth would be great.
PS: i’m not sure if this makes a difference: I’m a musician. more specifically, a guitarist–i’m actually studying music for my undergraduate work. I can’t do too many things that will beat the shit out of my fore arms. I work them out 3plus hours a day with just practicing.