New to enhancements

Hello, ive recently started looking into enhancements. Going to be doimg blood work soon. Ive been working out for 2 ywars now. Im 24, 223lbs, 5’11. What would be a good starter?
Just looking for advice while i do more research, thanks.

You need to focus on your diet and workout first. That’s all i’m gonna say.


At 24yo your brain is still developing. Keep training hard and eating right and that will take you a long way. 2 years is nothing in this game. Wait until your maxed out naturally to start looking into drugs.


Lean up first. You’re over 20% BF. Get down to about 15% then reconsider


Any suggestions on dieting?

Well, there is Clarenc ase Bass’ Ripped series, he also has a title Lean for Life. Frank Zane’s if you can find it Zane Nutrition and Fabulously Fit Forever, alliteration aside I recall that book having good dietary advice. Steeve Reeve’s Building the Classic Physique. There is a lot of advice out there, you have to decide which route you need follow. We have low carb, carnivores, higher carb folks, lower calorie. Dr. Darden’s lower calorie, one gallon of ice water per day, approach gets many people started. Quad Queen is a resource here. Peruse the sight, there is plenty of excellent advice.

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Why don’t you spell out what your currently doing for training and diet and then what your goals are.
Do you have a training log on the forum? If not start one up. We can help you there.

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Suggestions? Find what works for you long terms. Could be carnivore/keto, could be calorie restriction, could be fasting with more cardio, could be macro counting and carb timing. No one size fits all.


26 to 28 I would wager.


Ill start logging here soon, i appreciate it