Hey guys this is my first post in the bodybuilding forum. Just a little background: I played football (offensive line) through highschool and college and have recently finished my career. I have learned a lot about strength training in this time and have gained a great appreciation for the iron. However, i have always focused on strength and speed rather than muscular size and definition.
I have a decent strength base and was curious if there were any programs that you feel i could specifically benefit from. In the past 8 years i can count the times i have passed the 8 rep mark on one hand and feel that i could benefit from a high volume body-part split. Please let me know any suggestions you have.
tldr: Just finished football/powerlifting training and am looking for a high volume program
What exactly did you do, what are you putting up… Post a few pictures of you doing the mandatories (poses) perhaps, just so we can get an idea if anything in particular is lagging…
“high volume bodypart split/program” is kind of vague… And if you want to make any progress, you will still have to get stronger on the exercises you will be doing on your new program, that doesn’t change.
What is your diet like at the moment? That’s another big one.
At your height, you’re going to have to be very damn lean to look like much at that weight by bbing standards… And that will require significantly greater strength levels on a much wider range of exercises.
If you feel that you are too fat now, yeah, focus on doing some damage control.
PM MODOK or DH, I think those two had a lot of success on the anabolic diet…
I’d give you some advice regarding bbing (diet, training), but knowing what your actual goal is would help…
Want to get as big and strong as possible? Do a bbing show? Do a show after getting huge? Just want to get lean? …
Also post your current routine, just so we have some idea of what you have been doing.
I wouldn’t necessarily look for a “high volume” routine. I would look for a new diet, and stick with it. But yeah, like CC said, talk about some goals you have.
hey to be honest i didn’t expect this much interest in my thread and now i feel my initial post may have been misleading. I still have one year of college football left. However, i have come to the realization that unless there is a miracle i will never play on gameday.
Because of this i would like to lose some fat because i no longer need to be as heavy as i am now. In addition i was hoping to try a body part spilt for the first time (rather than an upper/lower split). I am off of school until the end of march and would like to use this time to try bodybuilding style training (rather than strength and conditioning). When i return to school i will do team workouts and return to that style of training.
The reason i had suggested high volume is because i have never done it before and would like to experiment on how my body reacts to it.
As far as goals go i don’t have anything specific. I do not plan on doing a show in the near future. If i had to choose an ideal body type at the moment it would be that of an offseason bodybuilder or a leaner looking powerlifter (Matt Kroc for example). I know that i am decades away from being that size but i like to use it as a reference point for the level of body-fat i would like to carry.
Once again thanks for all the help i am truly amazed that you would take time out of your busy schedule to help a newbie.
as far as current routine i am currently doing full body workouts 3x a week to regain strength lost in the season prior to starting my bb training.
goblet squat 3x8
glute bridge 3x10
Note: 8rm means 3-4 sets ramping to an 8 rep training max
Trap bar deadlift x 8rm
Bench press x 8rm
chest supported row (angle grip) x 8rm
hammer curls 3x8
hammer grip tri extension 3x8
For the middle workout of the week i slightly tweak the exercise selection by changing ROM or grip.
Trap deads i use the higher grip (about mid shin)
Bench i do 2 board press
rows i switch to straight grip
I just finished week one of this plan and am planning to change the reps to 5 next week and 3 the following week. At that point i hope i have regained a decent enough strength base to begin my bodybuilding program.
at the moment this program appears to be working well but i am only 1 week deep so time will tell.
CC i have been reading up on dogg crapp training. I know you have a lot of experience on this program and i was curious if you feel it could be beneficial for me.