New Shoulder Pain

I am not sure where to post this-strength or better body-but my goals are more strength related than bodybuilding.

In the last month I have developed new shoulder pain in the left shoulder. It is sore right on the acromion. I have had this pain flare up in the past, and I am almost positive it was due to overhead pressing.

I have done 3 new things in my training this month that may be causing it and my question is which is the most likely candidate:

  1. I went from a big arch to a very small arch for bench pressing-although I do tuck the shoulders in at the sides-not elbows out.

  2. I started doing chin-ups this month after a long time of jsut rows. I have done these with a grip just closer than shoulder width. I do know that if I let my arms go straight up overhead it can cause pain, so I have been careful to stop about 90% of the way down rather than going to full extension. Could this be the problem? Could the closer than shoulder width grip be the problem?

  3. Snatch grip deadlifts. My grip is out around the power rings.

Thanks all.

[quote]mertdawg wrote:
I am not sure where to post this-strength or better body-but my goals are more strength related than bodybuilding.

In the last month I have developed new shoulder pain in the left shoulder. It is sore right on the acromion. I have had this pain flare up in the past, and I am almost positive it was due to overhead pressing.

I have done 3 new things in my training this month that may be causing it and my question is which is the most likely candidate:

  1. I went from a big arch to a very small arch for bench pressing-although I do tuck the shoulders in at the sides-not elbows out.

  2. I started doing chin-ups this month after a long time of jsut rows. I have done these with a grip just closer than shoulder width. I do know that if I let my arms go straight up overhead it can cause pain, so I have been careful to stop about 90% of the way down rather than going to full extension. Could this be the problem? Could the closer than shoulder width grip be the problem?

  3. Snatch grip deadlifts. My grip is out around the power rings.

Thanks all.

dude, go see a Physical Therapist and find out what is wrong before things get worse. Good luck.

Bump. I know it is the start of impingement. My question is, should I cut out chin-ups, and or go back to arching higher for the bench press.

[quote]mertdawg wrote:
Bump. I know it is the start of impingement. My question is, should I cut out chin-ups, and or go back to arching higher for the bench press.[/quote]

When you say right on the acromion, do you mean on top, underneath, to the side of your body?

[quote]Krollmonster wrote:
mertdawg wrote:
Bump. I know it is the start of impingement. My question is, should I cut out chin-ups, and or go back to arching higher for the bench press.

When you say right on the acromion, do you mean on top, underneath, to the side of your body?[/quote]

When I push in at the point of the acromion in the back of the shoulder, it is painful.

I am now almost positive it is actually from pullups with a fairly close grip, particularly in the first 1/3 of the motion. Damn! Pullups have recently helped me add some to my lats. I didn’t think they could be bad. If I go wider, it is not a problem, its just when I’m inside of a shoulder width grip.