This is part two to the “New PR’s” thread. This is for any personal record/something you want to post about. Weight gain/loss, stronger pound for pound, PR in a lift, ect.
Back squat: 150kg x 5
Speed pulls: worked up to 180kg
1.5" deficit deads: 163kg x 7, which is technically a PR since I haven’t gone hard on deficits for a long time, though I was pretty tired when I did it.
Rack pulls from knee height: 120kg (270lbs)x6. Technically a PR since I haven’t really done rack pulls in years; Strictly speaking, not very exciting since I pulled the same weight from the floor for 9 in February… Never take a break, kids.
Awww well damn had a good run. I have said on more than one occasion when ever the old thread was full I would stop posting in this thread so… Its been fun guys and keep it up.
[quote]Reed wrote:
Awww well damn had a good run. I have said on more than one occasion when ever the old thread was full I would stop posting in this thread so… Its been fun guys and keep it up.[/quote]
Sorry to see you go. At least there’s still your and your wife’s log.
[quote]Reed wrote:
Awww well damn had a good run. I have said on more than one occasion when ever the old thread was full I would stop posting in this thread so… Its been fun guys and keep it up.[/quote]
I’ll still be checking in your log as usual.
I’ve been lifting, but not really setting PRs per se.
Today I did SGHP cluster reps, and managed to get 145 for 6 reps with 10s pauses between the reps. That’s a PR, but somehow my 2RM for that is still only 145. I don’t totally know what’s going on, since that actually doesn’t make any sense.
Otherwise, I was working on pushing up my standing press numbers, but the doctor said to lay off all overhead work for a few weeks. Rotator cuff tendon issues etc.
[quote]Reed wrote:
Awww well damn had a good run. I have said on more than one occasion when ever the old thread was full I would stop posting in this thread so… Its been fun guys and keep it up.[/quote]
Shame, it was sweet seeing your awesome PR vids. You can definitely post here if you want to.
ok I can’t help it old habits die hard and I feel stupid weird not posting this here… So Big Red Machine if it still bothers you I post this here… Get over it
Deadlift from the floor 2 sets of 5 with 500lbs.
Kristi hitting a 125lbs Bench Press with some sloppy form on the decent making only more impressive she got it some how.
[quote]Reed wrote:
ok I can’t help it old habits die hard and I feel stupid weird not posting this here… So Big Red Machine if it still bothers you I post this here… Get over it :-)[/quote]
Nice deadlifting. I saw it in your log first, since I didn’t think you’d be posting here and I figured I should check there first. Glad to have you back here.