Here’s a “Template” style bodybuilding program, where coach gives you guidelines then you plug in the stuff you like. Lots of guys have gotten good results from it, from garage gym guys up to for real contest-winning bodybuilders.
Want to design your own kick-ass training programs? All you need is the perfect template based on 20 years of trial and error. Or just read this.
In my last two-part article series , I described my 11 principles for bodybuilding training. Now, I want to make things even simpler for you.
I’m now going to provide you with a couple of plug-n-play – make that plug-n-train – templates that you can use to quickly and easily design a slew of great,…
This one is from John Meadows and tells you exactly what to do, every day, for weeks and weeks. There’s lots of variety and adjustments to volume and stuff like that.
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