Help with gains and 6 day split

Hi guys so I’m new to posting and I need help. I’ve been doing push/ pull/ legs works outs 6 days week and I love it! Making really good strength gains and muscle. Id like a new workout routine for 6 day split but I see that I need more upper and lower chest mass. Rounder shoulders and more peak in bicep more mass in back. My legs look good and continue to grow and my abs seem like they could need more 3d pop to them. and I do 5 sets of 5 and up to 8 usually. Can anyone help me with workout plan. And help with rep ranges and sets. Thank you! I’m not body builder. Im looking just to add more mass definition. I uploaded sample plan I’ve been using! Thank you guys!

Sure there’s guys that would be willing to help.

They will need some info first.

Training age ( how long you’ve been lifting)
General strength level.
Any specific goals.


im 6’ 3" 240lb 38 years old been training since 18 years old so 20 years weight lifting and my strength is medium im pretty strong but not strongest. and my goal is to gain more mass and strength and have some abs show. i just seem more flat then i should. i look good but just seems like muscles can be rounder and fuller. i like the powerbuilding / bodybuilding. i do 25 min cardio bike everyday because i love cardio. almost addicted and maybe need to scale back. current workout

monday -push / cardio
tuesday -pull / cardio
wednesday -legs / cardio

thursday -push / cardio
friday -pull / cardio
sat -legs / cardio
im ok with 5 days week

thanks for advice!

Initial thoughts are scale the cardio a bit. Don’t go hard.
Back off the training to five days. I’ve had success with pplpp and switching up the leg day every other week between two workouts. It slows you to much harder and get better recovery’s.
Can you post a pic?

I think your TM’s in major lifts would also be helpful.

I go heavy and max out around 8 reps but usually got to 5 for strength

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I know training for 20 years, you have likely reached your strength potential. But I still should ask: Are you getting stronger?

I am okay with the cardio providing it is not “conditioning” cardio. In other words, is it low enough that you can carry on a conversation while doing the cardio? That is what I would do.

At that weight and height does it look like you obviously lift weights? Is you body composition such that you show obvious muscle group separation?

Just curious what you can bench press for 5 reps max.
Can you give us some description of how much weight you can move in your strongest exercise (weight and reps)?

And as always, a picture is worth a thousand words.

I think, and just my opinion, that if you leaned out your muscles would be more “3D,” as you say.

I suspect you should adjust diet and cardio to lower your BF. You have decent mass, but it’s not apparent because of the BF.

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Thank you so much and I’m confused if I’m doing my rep and set ranges right! Could you help me with routine please and thank you

I can bench 275 max weight for 5 and that’s only once! I put a photo earlier and thank you guys so much!

How many of these sets are you taking to failure?

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Pretty much all.

The thing is for lifting this long you would think that I would be way stronger like being able to lift up the 315 lb for at least five and do it for a few set. And to be honest with you I can go really really heavy on the dumbbells I can do like five sets of eight and 100 lbs I am getting stronger with a push pull leg each body part twice a week for six times a week but I’ll switch my workouts up and my problem when I do cardio I go all in. I think it’s because I like runners high but I know I need to scale back and don’t know how and what’s acceptable rate and time and how to incorporate into workout

Wait, I’m confused.
Are you trying to add mass or cut fat?
If you want your abs to pop, you need to cut.

RE Failure…
This is how many sets you are saying you take to failure each session, and you do them twice per week.

  • push 25
  • pull 25
  • legs 26

This is a lot, particularly if you are actually going to failure (meaning if someone was holding a gun to a loved one’s head - you could not get another rep).
My coach has me on less than this, and keeping one rep in reserve for all sets. I would not be able to recover from Squats and Deadlifts at this volume.

I think you are a good candidate for Trained By Jordan Peters. Every set will be to failure, a top set and a backdown, and you can adjust your training frequency based upon your recovery needs.

Screw abs lol give me mass and some cut lol! Ty so much and can you give me excerrise plan sample for that and what looks like and ty!!!

… bro pick one

Bench press power includes a component of technique. If you learn to bench press as efficient as a powerlifter you should be able to at least lift 5% more weight. Many people have no idea how to position body and push the bar path the most efficient way. Some of those people might tell you that they are targeting their pecs more directly. There is a lot of truth about that.

I always performed the bench press in my powerlifting method and worked on targeting my pecs in the supplemental exercises. This is all ego, but that was a component of my drive in the gym. All these 8 to 12 rep ranges are for hypertrophy. I never did more than 10 reps, but that is just a hang-up with how I trained. But I believe you need to build strength (by doing 5 rep sets) to push more weight 8 to 12 reps. So do a push cycle of 4 to 8 weeks of heavy sets of 5 reps. And then switch to higher reps the next cycle. Another option is have a heavy push day near the beginning of the week and then a lighter push day on the second push day of the week.

I liked a muscle pump.

If you are interested in body composition, IMO, you must do low impact cardio to lose fat and conserve “athletic units”. We believed that you had a specific number of “athletic units” per week, and wanted those focused on lifting weights, and not cardio vascular conditioning. Recovery was a critical consideration. (Rest, sleep, diet)


Your absolutely right and I don’t so my focus I’m seeing should be get stronger and focus more on my pump and strength and lower cardio

Ok so mass side and strength. People saying go to rep range 5-8 . And looks like push pull legs and upper lower legs. Do you have sample program for me and thank you