Hi all,
I wanted to post my plan for my next 4 to 6 weeks of training to get some feedback from all you T-Forumers. I think sometime soon I’ll post some physique pics as well, because I guess I like attention and I have a hard time being objective about my own physique.
I’ve been training for around 7 years, only very consistently and intensely for 1. I carry about 215 lbs. on a pretty heavy 6’ frame. No small joints here. My bodyfat is around 14-16%. I’m pretty happy with my body composition, and am mainly looking to maintain or slightly increase mass and become “functionally” stronger.
I’ve found I respond much better to full body workouts, especially three individual routines spaced evenly throughout the week, with two days utilizing big movements, 5-10 sets of 3-6 reps, and a third day of still mostly compound movements and occasionally isolation, more generic 3x10 stuff. I use the same weight for all sets (haven’t gotten into changing load throughout set yet) and take 45-90 second rest breaks between sets. I put on a lot of muscle when I began training like this after doing lots of different bodypart splits. Jesus am I ever verbose. Here it goes…
Day 1 (3 sets of 10-12 reps)
-Overhead BB Squat
-Bent-over BB Row (pronated grip)
-Flat BB Bench Press (med. grip, using some bands to work on speed, lockout and whatever else I might get out of them)
-BB Step-ups using 24" box
-Seated Cable Face Pulls with tricep rope
-Glute/Ham Raises
-Weighted Dips
-Hanging Knee Raises with DB between ankles for additional resistance
Day 2 (varied sets/reps)
-BB Hack Squat (5x5)
-Decline BB Bench Press (8-10x3, med. grip)
-Sumo BB Deadlift (8-10x3)
-Flat DB Bench Press (4x6)
-Single-Arm DB Row (5x5)
-Hanging Pike (5x6, straight legs, toes touch the bar)
-Reverse-Hyper (5x6, using a back extension platform backwards, DB between ankles)
Day 3 (varied sets/reps)
-BB Back Squat (8-10x3, wide stance)
-Chinups (4x6, weighted)
-BB Overhead Press (8-10x3)
-Stiff-leg BB Deadlift (5x5)
-Incline DB Bench Press (4x6, pronated grip, a little less than 45 degree angle to give the shoulders a break after the overhead work)
-Lying Cable Pull-ins
So there you go. Assume I’m injury-free, pretty balanced as far as development goes, etc. Thanks in advance.