Need inspiration to build a new 6-day program

I’ve not posted in a long time but want to shake things up and thought you guys could point me in the right direction of a new program.

I’ve been training since I was 16, now 50, and for the past 18 months have followed a 6-day program:

Mon - chest + tri’s (variant 1)
Tues - back + bi’s (variant 1)
Wed - legs + shoulders (variant 1)
Thurs - chest + tri’s (variant 2)
Thurs pm - 20mins HIIT cardio
Fri - back + bi’s (variant 2)
Fri pm - 20mins HIIT cardio
Sat - legs + shoulders (variant 2)
Sun - 20mins HIIT cardio

Sunday is essentially a rest day but I can’t not do something so I do an early cardio sesh.

I have a gym at home (squat rack, bench, dumbbells, barbell, leg curl/extension, treadmill) and I also use a commercial gym on leg day for leg press and calf raise machines.

Over the years I’ve probably tried every type of workout out there (e.g. back/chest split, bi/tri split, 2 days on/1 day off, alt. workout days, etc.). I don’t consider myself a “bodybuilder”, I’m not stacked, I’m at 15% body fat but aiming for 12% by bringing more discipline into my diet.

Is there a good source on this site or elsewhere online for workouts? My aim is to mix things up and shock my body into new muscle growth.

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I’m kinda in the same boat. The last year I’ve been doing PPLPP and either rest on the weekends or work on weak body parts/extra cardio. I was thinking of using one of the John Meadows programs once I start building again. Think I want to go back to more of a BB TYPE split.
Also really never followed a program. Either had a trainer or wrote my own programs. Think a structured plan is the way forward.


Here’s a “Template” style bodybuilding program, where coach gives you guidelines then you plug in the stuff you like. Lots of guys have gotten good results from it, from garage gym guys up to for real contest-winning bodybuilders.

This one is from John Meadows and tells you exactly what to do, every day, for weeks and weeks. There’s lots of variety and adjustments to volume and stuff like that.

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These two are probably pretty different than what you’re used to. Dudes here have gotten good results with both of them.

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You forgot the best one.

This one is fun for something different


2 more good, Different ones.


And if all of those look dumb, blurt out what looks dumbest and what you’d like instead to inspire better recommedations.

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Thanks for the replies, that’s looks really cool, I’ll delve in and get a new program sorted!

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