Need help with some old equipment i got at Sport Authority in 2008

So i got some weight handles that can be used as dumbells but also for bigger things than that. They just really dont make em like thay used to. When i go to Dicks Sporting Goods, averthing that says it has a one inch hole is just slightly imcompatible with what i have…OK photos coming soon…Gotta make sure this post drops. Im new here. Dont know what im doing.

What sort of help are you looking for?

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Something that fits my old 2008 sports authority plates. Im really have trouble finding good sturdy stuff.

So these things were about a 18 inches long. The collars were about 3 inches wide and 3/4 inches tall. They were sturdy enough to be collecting rust all these years later, which i find that the new stuff doesnt last that long…

Incompatible how? Hole too big? Hole too small? What’s the problem?


Those are good questions, CL.

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So the hole in my coller measures at one inch but the modern stuff at Dicks Sporting goods seems to be a tad bit skinnier

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OK the photo seems to be taking its time downloading this time

You are looking for plates then, right? I would investigate the second hand market for plates, and ask sellers of what you’re seeking for measurements - before buying. No need to look for new stuff anyway. Also, I suppose weights/plates with a slightly bigger hole can fit your handles. Be curious.

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I have the plates. For some reason the last few photos i took that would have helped me explain some things didnt upload. Ok. Busy Sunday. Ill be back.

So, there are 11 posts in this thread, and I (we) still fail to understand what the problem is. I think it’s time we start communicating clearly.

Please clarify your problem/question in one sentence.


I’m trying but, I am definitely confused.

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Dude everyones like a chicken or a cat. I love this! OK so anything with rust is what im looking for. The stuff thats real real silver kind of sucks…But im suddenly having trouble taking the photo

There we go! Now i lnow that Dicks Sporting Goods bought Sports Authority, and someone with REAL connections at Dicks could prpbably help me find the old style of weight, but its been hard getting that far up the totem pole…

I’m understanding. He has some old school residential workout dumbell handles with the removeable plates. However they appear to be a proprietary size and he’s having a problem finding plates to fit his handles.

No, im having trouble finding handles to fit my plates.

lol the why are you posting pics of handles and not your weight plates!?
As long as the hole the dumbbell plates is only slightly larger than your handle diameter you’ll be ok. When you used the collar you can cinch it pretty good. It’s not like you’ll be working with Hercules levels weights here anyway.


How do i quote people? For me, the old fashioned weight collars just help up and performed so.much better, where as ones arnt gonna last a month for me.

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Highlight their text and a quote button should pop up. These th8ngs are all over Amazon.