Hey guys, long time lurker first time poster. Got banned for 1 month on bb.com (im a miscer) so I will be posting here for now :). I’ve started lifting 4 months ago and gained about 10 kilos, lean from what I can see i’ve taken fortnightly pictures and I see no extra fat. I had just been stuffing myself really, with everything. I counted cals for about a week I was eating about 4000 but I have no need to count cals i was gaining at a good rate without it.
A buddy of mine is cutting and he is on keto diet where he has high fat and little to no carbs and its working well for him. He swears by the diet for cutting and general wellbeing. Should I bulk on a similar diet? Or just continue eating how I am? I have also been reading up on carb cycling, does it work? Optimal muscle gains with little to no fat gains seems very appealing.
All help appreciated this is my first post cheers guys
Keto diets for bulking seem stupid to me, but others would disagree with me. Google ‘the anabolic diet’.
Car cycling works if done right but it’s very time consuming and easy to mess up because you need to be very precise.
IMO, the best way to avoid getting fat in the first place is to accept slow gains.
[quote]Massthetics wrote:
I’ve started lifting 4 months ago and gained about 10 kilos, lean from what I can see i’ve taken fortnightly pictures and I see no extra fat.[/quote]
Nice progress so far. Just make sure you’re not seeing what you want to see. Young dudes who lifts and eat right can totally see great gains like that, but you do still keep an eye on making sure you’re getting enough quality nutrients and not getting lost in “stuffing your face with everything”. Try to focus on the foods I listed here, in addition to some fun/random/junk food once in a while:
I’d definitely suggest not doing that. I’m not a fan of younger/still-developing lifters playing with nutrition techniques like low-no carb, intermittent fasting, or eating every two hours on the hour. The more basic, the better. That goes for nutrition and lifting.
Carb cycling can be a pretty good setup, but it’s also much more tied into your training than a basic nutrition plan would be (coordinating carb intake with harder training sessions). It’s just not necessary for you yet. Stick with what you’re doing, squeeze more progress from it as-is, and then consider changing things when/if the time comes.
Thanks guys. Skimmed through the link Chris posted I found the don’t train until failure part pretty interesting, I’ll keep that in mind. I should probably elaborate by eating everything I didn’t mean fast food (i barely ate any) I meant a variety of foods from home lots of veggies, fruits, various meats, etc. I just made simple decisions to not fill myself up with salads I would eat a little less with my dinner in favour of more meat. I was eating everything I wasn’t restricting myself I was just eating MORE.
So according to you guys I should just keep my current diet up and not get fancy with carb cycling or low carb diets?