Hey there. I’ll get right to it all and upload some photo’s in a few days
Age: 19 and 10 months
Weight: 216 pounds (98kgs)
Body fat: 16% according to calipers
Training: Playing around with basic weights at 17, proper workouts at 18 but too busy dieting (was grossly overweight in another lifetime) and serious since 19 (workouts and nutritional knowledge)
Lifts (1RM)
Bench press: 187.4 (horribly weak i know, but my chest never seems to develop :(( i try real hard)
Squat: 265
deadlift: 375
When i post my pictures you will see. My legs are reasonably big, but alot of it is fat i believe.
My chest is pathetic
My back is far bigger than my chest
Additional notes:
→ I put on weight quite easily i believe, so no carbs at night and whatnot, untill recently i’ve been overly pedantic about low calorie intake
→ I’m not convinced by my bodyfat, i think it changed for each section of my body. My stomach has 4 visible abs, top row reasonably defined, next row poorly defined, but you can tell they are there (cant see bottom line, only top and sides of them both) however my rear is so meaty and flabby its quite lame.
Maintenance calories: I’ve tried a bunch of different calculators. Generally, i read that if i dont do any exercise maintenance should be about 2600 calories. If i do a workout, i should try and get about 3000-3200 calories or so. I’m quite the newbie knowing exactly what my maintenance is, since i keep being contradicted. Furthermore, it seems like so much food given I dieted so hard and long from 15-17 and a half years of age and been overly cautious of weight ever since
Workout program: Started ABBH2 today after completing both cycles of ABBH1
Daily diet
Wake up: 1 cup of oats, 25g of fast’ish release protein powder to flavor oats (25g protein) and 6 egg whites with cinnamon
Next meal: Metabolic Drive complete (300 calories, inc 40g protein and other carbs/fats)
Lunch: two pieces wholemeal bread and 250-300g of turkey breast
post workout: Drink with 78g of dextrose/maltodextrose for insulin spike and 38g of protein from regular fast-release protein shake
Dinner: 250-300g of steak or salmon with either stir-fry veggies or coldslaw mix with minimal amounts of mayo untill. Normally about 250-300g of these vegetables/coldslaw to fill me up
Before bed: 125g of cottage cheese, 3 egg whites and 1 full egg
Snacks: normally 2 apples and 2 mandarins a day and 50g of mixed unsalted nuts
→ Also take about 5g of fish oil and a multi each day
Often ranging between 2300-3000 calories
normally about 180-200g protein
Unsure of carbs, hopefully enough
Understand that i’m trying to bulk while trying to look at least as tones, if not more toned (I’m being a bit frustrating probably, but i’m in college now and i just don’t want to be a fatty eh?)
Advice i need (finally):
- I’ve read that before you bulk you should get to 9-10% bodyfat or else you’ll be overly sensitive to insulin and put on too much fat per pound of muscle (or something like that), so → do i continue to try and bulk or should i be cutting?
→ Am i eating too much? too little? the right ratio of things?
→ I try and do about 30 minutes cardio, just walking fast at max incline to burn some fat. I also increase calorie intake accordingly. I’m just trying to stay healthy by doing this, i need a break from the study load i have (second year medicine) and exercise keeps me happy
→ Any other advice / comments you can throw at me which will improve my routine overall is exactly what i would like. I like to think i have the discipline to do just about anything, i just need to know what will work well
I want to get pretty big muscle-wise, but at the same time not freakishly big. Nice toned masculine V shaped body (sorry for sounding so pretentious)