Hilarious Post from 5 Yrs Ago. Now w/ Pics

I just read my first post on this forum from 5 years ago and literally could not believe I wrote it:

Hey Guys, 1st post :slight_smile: Was just wondering how i could improve my Easter dieting and exercise schedule. I am at the moment 15% body fat, was 16.5 a week ago so itā€™s going well but iā€™d like to know if im doing anything wrong.

There are some obvious blips in my diet lol, but i dont want to stop going out with my friends, im not that extreme, just want to get to about 12% body fat. ANY comments would be greatly appreciated! (sorry about the multiple pictures, i cant upload a doc or xls) Looks a bit confusing, but its basically, the first 6 days of diet and exercise and the top half of the weights exercises i do, followed by the second half of the weights exercises i do and the last few days.


This is annoying as hell, can you tell me how to post an attachment, i keep browsing and finding it, but cant upload! All the info you need is on there, my diets pretty good, but youā€™ll see every couple of days i might eat a couple of onion rings, or have 3 pints of beer with my friends. I am dedicated and my diets usually excellent, i do a lot of cardio also.

As soon i can get those pictures uploaded, youā€™ll have all the info you need, thanks for replying :slight_smile: BTW Iā€™m 5ā€™11, 166 pounds, and can bench 166 pounds 3*8, not a boast as i know its pitiful lol, just to let you know what amount of muscle im at.


I do cardio as well. I usually eat cereal in the morning, wait 30 minutes, do my cardio, (varies between a 30 minute run or a bike ride for an hour, these are minimums usually, eg i biked 28 miles yesterday and ran 50 minutes today) I then wait an hour, eat a high protein low fat low carb meal, ie tuna, chicken, turkey etc and then do my weights session for the day, I then wait another hour and eat another low carb low fat high protein meal.

Sometimes my diet slips, as i might go out with my friends and have 3 pints, or i might be hungry and eat a rhubarb crumble and custard like tonight. I think iā€™m averaging about 1200-1500 calories a day.

Iā€™m currently maintaining muscle mass, but my primary objective is to lose body fat and get a more toned look, im not too interested in getting massive. Any comments and advice would be GREATLY appreciated, cheers for reading.


^^ I especially liked the random insertions of onion rings and rhubarb and crumble.

Iā€™m now 185 @ 11% bodyfat since I started eating double that amount of calories and lifting heavy.

Just thought Iā€™d share.

Mildly amusing
Cool story, bro

And how have your physique and lifts improved?

will you finally post a pic?

I remove bananas from the peel

Yeah, itā€™s improved a lot.

Chest is very defined and hard, separation in my shoulders and back, good proportions.

I donā€™t know my exact bodyfat but iā€™m pretty sure iā€™m 11.345 (Thatā€™s what my tanita body fat scales tell me anyway)

Nah I think iā€™m between 11-13.

Sorry itā€™s a bit blurry.

Try getting the right pic this time.

By the way, iā€™m not claiming to have a perfect body - this is definitely a work in progress. Iā€™m looking to cut to 10% and will probably bulk up if Iā€™m not happy with how I look at a lower weight.

Still a damn sight better than 166 though and ā€œ15% body fatā€.

[quote]Max Cole wrote:
Yeah, itā€™s
very hard,

I think iā€™m between 11-13.[/quote]
Oh really?

While youā€™re on a good pathā€¦ eat more to get on the right path.

You have averaged 2 posts a year!

Good work; and I admire your humility.

I like that his self-assessment is: ā€œChest is very defined and hard, separation in my shoulders and back, good proportions.ā€ But then he only posts a pic of his back. lolz.

I dont mean to be rude at all dude but in 5 years you gained about 10kg maybe just a tad less. You have made progress which cannot be taken away as progress is progress but I would not go around making threads about less then optimum gains esecially in such a lengthly time period. Eat waaay more and get stronger.

Seems like this could be in the performance section.

Congratulations on staying fit for 5 years.

I think you should be eating more than 3000 calories though.
Why donā€™t you put down here what you normally eat in a day including macros and total calories.

Also, include your split.

Might make this thread useful.

Max, try doing cardio without eating anything. Maybe a cup of coffeeā€¦
cardio on empty stomach will burn fat for you, esp. first thing in morning.
And not necessarily SNOT SLINGING, Sweat covered, Soaked shirt cardio. More
like Heart Rate up to 130 cardio, for 30 min. Then your body can use Fat to
burn for energyā€¦if you are at moderate pace like that. If you go all out,
you need fuelā€¦i.e. Carbs. Maybe even 120 HB per minuteā€¦I think that was it.

Haha thanks for the responses.

I like the orly for my 11-13 guestimation.

To put things in perspective my weight has yo yoed over the last couple of years through poor choices and laziness.

I ended up back at 194lb (seems to be my magic weight before I realise iā€™m looking like a fat fucker) back about 2 months ago and just decided enough was enough and started eating clean and cutting out alcohol.

My current workout is:


Barbell Bench Press 3 x 10 @ 95kg
Military Press 3 x 10 @ 50kg
Barbell Curl 3 x 10 @ 41kg
Squats 3 x failure @ 60kg (No Spot / Squat Rack) (I know this will be a red rag to a bull for you lot)
Skull Crushers 3 x 15 @ 25kg
Bent over Barbell Row 3 x 10 @ 50kg

Ab circuit - Swiss ball crunch, medicine ball crunch and gorilla crunches to failure, no rest between sets, repeated twice.


HIIT Cardio on Bike for 20 minutes including warm up / down. 30 Seconds on 1 Minute off.


Dumbell Curls 3 x 10 @ 19kg
Lateral Raises 3 x 10 @ 14kg
Tricep Overheads 3 x 10 @ 14kg
Incline Chest Press 3 x 10 @ 32.5 kg
One Arm Row 3 x 10 @ 30kg
Dumbell Squats 3 x 10 @ 60kg total

Ab circuit - Leg Raises, bike crunch and standard crunches to failure, no rest between sets, repeated twice.


HIIT Cardio on Bike for 20 minutes including warm up / down. 30 Seconds on 1 Minute off.


Hammer Curls 3 x 10 @ 19kg
Arnolds 3 x 10 @ 19kg
Tricep Extensions 3 x 10 @ 14kg
Hack Squats 3 x 10 @ 60kg
Reverse Fly 3 x 10 @ 14kg
Flys 3 x 10 @ 25kg

Same ab circuit as Monday.

I eat

oats with organic pb, walnuts and maple syrup
High Protein Low Fat Sandwich on Brown (Min 40g of protein)
50g Cashews and a Banana pre workout
Protein Shake post workout
Chicken / turkey / fish plus pulses, vegetable and brown rice
Casein protein shake w/ milk before bed

Seems to be going well so far, Iā€™ve dropped 8lb and iā€™m gaining on my lifts every week.

That picture was a couple of weeks ago, iā€™m aiming for 180lb @ 10% bf.

The reason I didnā€™t post a picture of my front was my pose looked absolutely lopsided and retarded so Iā€™ll do a better one when I get time.

I dont mean to be rude at all dude but in 5 years you gained about 10kg maybe just a tad less. You have made progress which cannot be taken away as progress is progress but I would not go around making threads about less then optimum gains esecially in such a lengthly time period. Eat waaay more and get stronger.

I see what youā€™re saying but since 2006 my goals have been all over the place. My body fat has varied from about 11 - 24% and Iā€™ve been obsessed with being skinny or thin rather than having a good composition.

Now I have a goal I can aim for, Iā€™ll make sure I achieve it.

180lb @ 10%. If I donā€™t feel as strong as iā€™d like to be or look ā€˜smallā€™ Iā€™ll do my first ever bulk and cut cycle.

I would bulk dude, change your split up to strength orientation, if you do benching and deadlifting you wonā€™t have to worry about arms while you bulk if thats an area of concern for you. Get a decent progression on your compound lifts and be smart with some energy systems work (hill sprints, sled or prowler) and chow down the world as cleanly as possible. If your lifting heavy, doing some energy systems work on 1 or 2 off days for recovery, you wonā€™t get obese and die of diabetes during the bulk, youā€™ll just get bigger and more awesome in the process.

And donā€™t do a 3-month bulk to ā€˜test the watersā€™, go at least 6 months full out then maintain (donā€™t cut) and keep the size, your body will adjust and you will start going into a new equilibrium within your body. If you just shove a shit ton of calories in for 12 weeks then cut away, you start back at square 1, just stick with itā€¦ 6 months of getting more stronger, bigger is not a bad thing to experience, donā€™t subtract from it when you feel a bit shit, just get to the goal.