My Clean Bulk Meal Plan

Hey guys,

I am 155 lbs, 15% bodyfat. I want to gain as much lean muscle mass within an 8 week period. What are your thoughts on this clean bulk meal plan?

Meal 1:
�?�5 egg whites, oatmeal cereal

Meal 2:
�?�Protein Shake

Meal 3:
�?�1 chicken breast, pasta

Meal 4:
�?�Turkey sandwich (with wheat bread), fruit

Meal 5:
�?�2 ground beef tacos with wheat tortillas, beans

Meal 6:
�?�Tuna sandwich, turkey ham

Please he as critical as possible, but not sarcastic/insulting. I am a newbie :slight_smile:


veggies. lots of them.

Second…definitely need to throw in some veggies

Well, to be honest. wheres the fats? and i mean healthy fats. Supps? protein shake, is it casein?

Yes veggies, lots of em. maybe u can remove some of the bread/pasta? Put in abit more protein? i am 154lbs, no idea what body fat %, but i can see my abs clearly. i was told somewhere between 10-12%.

I was 18% at 69kgs(thats like 150lbs?) when i reallyy realllllyy started to get my diet up to scratch.

Heres what i eat, (btw my height is 5’7).

Meal 1: 4 egg whites 3 yolk. 1 slice of low fat cheddar cheese (1.6 g fat 0.7g carb 4 protein).
Green tea, two cups of it.
4 table spoon of oat-bran with 1 table spoon of cocoa powder (yah i buy it seperately… I think Chad said its belly belly good for you.)
a vitamin C tablet or my multi-vit

Meal 2: i dont really measure the weight to the exact gram, but around 125gs of Chicken breast gilled with worchester sauce and some steamed broccoli with black pepper. more green tea.

Meal 3: A fruit like an apple (i dont eat much fruit. i have a vitamin C tablet with bio-flavinoid). Fish meat, i.e Tuna like 45g of protein worth (just look at the back of the tin can).

Meal 4: Spinach, more chicken meat.

Meal 5: Meat, any. Usually lean red meat. 1 more vitamin C tablet.

Meal 6: (grab what ever meat is on the table if its clean, i.e not fried… Steamed or roasted is best). and Lots of almonds/walnuts.

I know it looks kinda blurry but i explained it abit.

Usually i take 4 fish oil supps with 2 flax oil supps 3 times a day, spread thru the day.

Basically, low carb, high fat, high protein diet.

Less carbs in the later of the day. and my last meal is 2 hours b4 bed time.

=/ Its worked for me. but since ur “bulking”… I think CT would smack you in the head for using that word, especially when ur 15% bf (less carb sensitive). But if you insist on “bulking”, i guess more carbs Pre and Post workout… the times your body handles carbs the best.

You should eat more Protein. umm, fats to help with hormone production? ZMA Is important, and Creatine as well.

To be honest, read up on CT’s supps for Newbies and nutrition for newbies articles, as well as other articles in the Diet and nutrition section… I hope i helped. Hehe, I feel a angry T-Nationer is gona slap me with a piece of red meat soon, for posting like a noob and giving bad advice.


Thanks for the reply guys!!

Tayjeremey, I had some questions regarding your post:

1.) For meal 1, should I avoid egg yolk since its fat? Should I avoid cheddar cheese for the same reason?

2.) Do you think i chicken breast is about 125 grams? How many chicken breasts to you eat in a meal?

3.) Do you prefer casein over whey and glutamine?


[quote]Forkit wrote:

Thanks for the reply guys!!

Tayjeremey, I had some questions regarding your post:

1.) For meal 1, should I avoid egg yolk since its fat? Should I avoid cheddar cheese for the same reason?

2.) Do you think i chicken breast is about 125 grams? How many chicken breasts to you eat in a meal?

3.) Do you prefer casein over whey and glutamine?


1: eat the whole egg

2: as much as you need

3: they are for different times:

whey post workout, gultamine pre workout, and casein before bed.

casein, as the guy said before bed… Since it is digested Slowly. SO it blunts muscle catabolism. when you sleep for like 8-10 hours. (I dont have casein. and i cant get it.) The chicken breasts, since i buy em at like 1.5kgs at a time. and cut and clean em myself on sundays.
I put em in separate bags so i just estimate… i.e. 1.5kg = 1500gs, i got 10 bags… hmmm, 150gs each… haha.

Whole eggs, i usually just toss one yolk out. I was a FORMER fat boy remember… =P Glutamine, to be honest. you dont really need it, its one of the most abundant amino acids in meat. bio test dumped it man, its gota mean something.

I would go to the trouble of searching the articles to quote what they said about it. but basically it went along the lines of “glutamine is for rich people with money to waste”.

I also cant get bio test stuff. But basically i read what the ingrediants are for their Surge recovery, and bought glucose(dextrose). 44g carb + 20g whey isolate after workout.

By the way man, whats ur goal? you want to just get big? look good naked? Strength? cause if you wana get big, i suggest u find out your metabolic need per day, and just add like 400 calories to it (in form of protein and fat). Go slow. most guys here sometimes, just throw out like “eat 3500-4000 calories… bla bla bla… bla bla bla. Sleep enuf. eat more… lift hard. lift heavy”.

Also, since u say you are new, you should go to some websites to help you count calories and food macro nutrients. or… you can download a software…

[quote]DoubleSidedTape wrote:
Forkit wrote:

Thanks for the reply guys!!

Tayjeremey, I had some questions regarding your post:

1.) For meal 1, should I avoid egg yolk since its fat? Should I avoid cheddar cheese for the same reason?

2.) Do you think i chicken breast is about 125 grams? How many chicken breasts to you eat in a meal?

3.) Do you prefer casein over whey and glutamine?


1: eat the whole egg

2: as much as you need

3: they are for different times:

whey post workout, gultamine pre workout, and casein before bed.


I want to stress the importance of eating the yolk. Egg whites by themselves have anti-nutrients that are offset by the nutrients in the yolk. All the nutrition in the egg is in the yolk except for half the protein. Cholesterol in the diet is not important as long as it is not oxidized. That happens when it is cooked on too high a heat. Fat is required in a diet and the fat in egg yolk is a good way to get it. The whole “low-fat” thing is way over-rated and may be the cause of many of todays health issues.

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Definitely more veggies and mix the colors of the veggies. Fruit never hurts either. It’s hard to eat too much fruit and veggies on a bulking diet.

I’d also throw in there almonds or nuts in general. Good bank for the buck as they are very calorie dense. An all natural peanut butter with just peanuts and salt as teh only ingredients.

Lets see… oatmeal but not the prepackaged kind. Those have lots of crap in them you really don’t want. Cottage cheese is another good addition. Ground flax seed mixed in your oatmeal.

There’s ton of good clean foods to eat to help you with your bulking diet. As with anything use common sense i.e. no junk food. You split it up nice in 6 meals.

Herd Bull

Hey guys, I really appreciate your input!

This is my updated plan, please tell on what I need to improve on further:


  • Bowl of porridge
  • 4-6 egg omelette
  • 2 pieces w/meal toast
  • Coffee or tea
  • Cellmass

Mid Morning

  • Protein Shake
  • 2 pieces fruit


  • Tuna, rice and salad
  • 80g Almonds
  • 2 piece fruit
  • 1 tub yogurt

Pre Workout

  • Protein Shake
  • NO Xplode

During Workout

  • Water + dextrose

After Workout

  • Protein Shake
  • Cellmass


  • 300g lean steak
  • Large salad or steamed vegetables
  • 2 baked potatoes
  • Ice cream and fruit salad


  • Casein Protein Shake
  • 1 piece fruit

What the fuck is going on here? He asks about gaining weight and the first replies are about VEGGIES?!? I love 'em too, but come on!

And cellmass and NOxplode? Fuck me running!

OP, more protein, more fats, and better workout nutrition.

Breakfast: Bacon, eggs, milk.
Midmorning: Shake and a sandwich with meat, cheese, and some plants.
Lunch: Ok, not bad, take a look at this article. Might be helpful for you.

Pre, during, and post workout: Noxplode is crap. Read this.

For what you should be eating, read these:

Dinner: Fuck lean steak. Eat a good, juicy steak, load up the potatoes with butter, bacon, and sour cream. Olive oil on the veggies. Ice cream good.

Evening: Caesin is good here, but also some fats and fibrous carbs would make it even better.

If you goal is to gain weight that needs to be your first priority. Staying healthy should be second, then last should be to keep bodyfat to an acceptable level.

You can get fat eating only “clean” foods and you can loose weight if you’re eating “bad” foods. Count your calories. Eat before you get hungry. Make sure you gain a pound a week.

. . . . fuckin’ veggies . .