Muscle Belly Length

I’ve read a lot about muscle belly length and all for the past few months, and I’v read that it is the most important factor in determining bodybuilding potential. The problem is I have no idea of what a long or short muscle belly is. Especially in the shoulders and triceps. My triceps for instance don’t really have the normal horse shoe shape but is more V shaped, I have no idea if this is good or not. So maybe someone can post some pics…

My advice is not to worry about it. If you turn out not to be “perfect” for bodybuilding, so what? Will that affect your lifting and your goals?

It’s not the most important factor by any means. It can be a limiting factor. But good training and diet is what’s important to maximize what you have. If those aren’t being done, it’s a moot point. Also, check out the recent “Overcoming Lousy Leverages” article.

Most important factor? Bullshit!

Just forget about it and lift. You make your own potential.

I would think the most important factor would be the use of that muscle between your ears.

[quote]graphicsMan wrote:
My advice is not to worry about it. If you turn out not to be “perfect” for bodybuilding, so what? Will that affect your lifting and your goals?[/quote]

Good point.