Most Over & Underrated Body Part

Hi Gang

I was just thinking of bodyparts and which one is the most overated and the one which is the most underated.
(no penis or pussy jokes please)

My thought on the most underated bodypart is back! Seems not many people train this bodypart ,but if they only realised the weight and size they could put on only if they started training this great bodypart.

My most underated is …(flame away) is CHEST! I see people all the time come into the gym and go to the:
Chest press
Pec Deck
Cable Crossover
Incline this,incline that

All in one workout mind u,mostly young teenage types.

Now i know im not a pro BB but who really wants a chest so big it looks like u got man tits? Im sure the greek gods didnt want this.Look closely at people who have somewhat big chest and ull see that its really not that big of a bodypart,yet people train it like it the best thing since sliced bread.

Anyway just my thoughts,id like to hear some of your responses.


Most over rated is the bicep
just look at the frat curl phenomenon
besides that it is not a really important muscle for athletics

Most underrated is the forearm.
It is an increadably important muscle for athletics, it gives you a bone crushing handshake, and I have never seen a guy with huge forearms that wasn’t really strong overall

Most under-rated:
Posterior chain (lower back, glutes, and hammies)

Most over-rated:

Seems folks really like to train what they can see.

Don’t you mean chest is the most over-rated?

Anyway, I think you have a point, especially with beginners. I think most beginners concentrate on the biceps too much. We’ve all seen them spending 45 minutes just on biceps, trying to get their “peaks”. Idiots.

I think the most under rated part, especially for beginners in the “core” (I fucking hate that word). Your lower back, gutes, and obliques are usually so under-developed in people who don’t weight train that people injure themselves while doing deads and squats. Once they build a good strong mid-section, I think it will reflect in their other lifts.

For advanced lifter, under-rated would have to be traps, forearms and calves.

I think the most overrated is/are quads. They’re not as useful in sporting movements, and they’re generally over developed in respect to the posterior chain.

I think the underrated is probably a tie between hamstrings and real back work. Meaning people do far too little rowing in respect to their horizontal pushing, and do almost nothing for hams. They’re especially weak on hip extension versus knee flexion owing to too many ham curls and too few dead lifts IMHO. This is average gym goers mind you, not T-people.

the most underrated bodypart is hamstrings. it injures the most, most people get sore quads from sprinting when they should get sore hams; strengthening hams exclusively will benefit hip extension dominant athletes more than any other muscle trained exclusively.

the most overrated is abs. wonder why i didn’t say chest or bis? because the bench press and curl are very popular and very good for you. ab or “core” exercises are a pile of worthless for most.

but realistically, the most underrated movements would be hamstring dominant hip extension, glute dominant hip extenstion, scapular retraction, shoulder extension, and external rotation.

the most overrated movements would be hip flexion, trunk flexion, supine elbow flexion, and shoulder flexion.

there are others that i’ll remember or discover someday…

I think the most underrated are movements to increase your traps. everyone in my gym are pencil necks except for the few midnight crew guys.

I see a lot of guys do shrugs, but no deadlifts, cleans, military press, snatches, and if they do shrugs they never use much weight just two 45’s and shrug till the cows come home. No Kelso, hise, dbell shrugs…

Most overrated are the beach muscles, arms, chest, abs.

Funny part is most girls I talk to don’t care too much if you have abs as long as you’re not fat. they like arms and chest but are really attracted to a big back/shoulders.

Most overrated are localized movements.

Most underrated are compound movements.

I like big boobs, hunchbacks, and tree-trunks!


Abs are overrated. I am amazed at how much time people waste on them. Lose body fat to see abs, don’t do 1000 crunches.

Lots of underrated muscles and most of them are the ones you can’t see in the mirror.

Overrated: Frat-boy muscles (Chest and Bi’s)

Underrated: Fingers, internal and external rotators of hips and humeri.

Overrated: Biceps
Underated: Rotator Cuffs

Overrated: Abs

Underrated: Heart

Underrated= Legs

Overrated= Arms

I don’t think any muscle can be overrated - they are all important and contribuate to the important goal of a T-Man; getting laid by sexy and intelligent women.

Underated has to be the back - the ladies seem to LOVE a good back… proberbly because it is so rare, so stop telling frat boys to work it :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]wufwugy wrote:

the most overrated is abs. wonder why i didn’t say chest or bis? because the bench press and curl are very popular and very good for you. ab or “core” exercises are a pile of worthless for most.


Abs are not overrated. Maybe as a vanity muscle. But core strength is important and will help you will plenty of other lifts you do.

[quote]AKA wrote:
I don’t think any muscle can be overrated - they are all important and contribuate to the important goal of a T-Man; getting laid by sexy and intelligent women.

Underated has to be the back - the ladies seem to LOVE a good back… proberbly because it is so rare, so stop telling frat boys to work it :P[/quote]

I don’t think overrated means that the muscle itself is less important. I think it is referring to how one prioritizes that muscle in training.

In that respect, the vanity muscles (chest, abs, bi’s) are given more attention than the hammies. you need look no further than the local gym to see this.

Overrated: Biceps and ‘washboard’ abs for the sake of having abs.

Underrated: Toungue. And lower back.

Biceps are definitely overrated. They receive so much attention and yet they only make up 1/3 of the upper arm.

I think traps and the upper back are underrated with respect to their impact on your physique. However, the entire posterior chain is underrated with respect to the general population just not training it.

[quote]jolly roger wrote:
Underrated: Toungue. .[/quote]

Wow. Don’t forget the anal sphincter. EVERYONE forgets the noble anal sphincter.

Underrated: Triceps, rear delt.

Overrated: Frat hate.