So I was thinking today. Everyone has their God given gifts and a particular muscle group that responds no matter what. We also have muscles that need to be trained constantly to see any change in size.
T-Nation has a lot of involved posters and can be a very reliable resource if one knows how to filter out the bull shit from the truth.
Now since this is a bodybuilding forum, all posters, besides any trolls, are here to get big. To get fucking incredible hulk status jacked the fuck up, or at least I am.
So before I go on a rant about me trying to get fucking huge, I thought it would be pretty sweet to have everybody post what they consider their best bodypart, whether it is the one that responds the best or better yet one that you trained the shit out of because it was stubborn and now it’s your best, and give the general routine you do for that muscle.
We can get a collection of peoples favorite routines and spark ideas for others.
It will also be nice to clue some people in on the fact that basic principles work. Big people do the basics, they might have a few things that are unordinary, but I predict many peoples, aerious people at least, routines to be quite similar.
So what is your best bodypart and how do you train it?
I’ll get the ball rolling. It’s a toss up between chest, biceps, and traps. I’ll say biceps are the winner, they just love to grow, but only when I’m doing things right. Sleep and eating patterns need to be good for any growth.
I follow a general heavy weight decent volume no bullshit training style.
I like to get things going with barbell curls, the king of bicep exercises and hit three to four sets, after warming up, of heavy weight nothing above 6 reps. I slowly begin to refine and concentrate on the contraction and overall bicep involement as I progress through the workout.
I like to then go onto incline curls, using a weight suitable for 8 reps. I do nice full contraction, squeezing at the top and getting that blood flowing to the muscle.
I move onto cable curls. I like these because they place a different tension on the bicep than I get with anyother movement. I guess you can say it’s constant tension and I use a medium weight on these.
I finsih with, one of Arnold’s favorite movements, standing concentration curls, really squeezing and depleting my muscles from any energy they have left.
I do 3 sets per exercise and rest as long as I feel suitable so that I can hit a decent amount of reps on the next set. Everything is done by how I feel, or my instincts. I don’t like being tied down with a stopwatch or some pre-written plan because I’ll never follow it, although I do plan a few things.
Anyways I’d enjoy hereing other people ideas and plans. Thank you.