For those who wonder what type of diet they should be following with all the different recommendations around there are people who respond and function best on higher carb, low fat diets and higher fat and protein diets. To give an idea of which group you may fall into here is a list of some common attributes of a high carb individual: They tend to have a low appetite, like warm weather, do well on caffeine, crave grain based foods, like light sweets for desert, have a pale ear color (in relationship to face), get insomnia from eating before bed, do fine on 2 meals day, may forget to eat, have dry eyes, lighter complexion, strong fingernails, get goosebumps easily, gain weight from eating meats and fats, have mild reactions from insect bites, rarely if ever wake up in the middle of the night hungry, dry nose, more withdrawn socially, pupil larger than iris, dry mouth, foods often taste too salty, almost never sneeze, do well eating sweets by themselves, indigestion, heartburn, tall or thin, excellent concentration & motivation, irritable, hyperactive.
For protein/fat types they tend to like heavy meals, like the cold, don’t do well on caffeine, very strong appetites, tendency to cough, cracking skin, crave salty food (other than sugar), get dandruff easily, like rich fatty foods for dessert, reddish ear color, eating before bed helps sleep, need 3 meals with substantial snacks, love food, have moist eyes, darker facial complexion, weak fingernails, gain weight eating too many carbs, gag easily, suffer strong reactions from insect bites, wake up hungry at night, itchy eyes and skin, runny nose, more extroverted, pupil smaller than iris, have lots of saliva, love putting salt on everything, sneeze a lot, don’t do well eating sweets by themselves, lethargic, procrastinators, deliberate, excellent digestion, have energy problems and swings, don’t do well losing weight by cutting calories.
There will usually be some overlap between the 2 groups but from this list most will notice a tendency towards one group or the other. For high carb types for a bodybuilders type diet higher carb 50-30-20 diet works well (with starchy carbs predominating). For fat/protein types a 50 pro-30 fat-20 carb (mostly fibrous carb) works well and for those in the middle a 40 carb-30-protein and 30 fat (with a variance of low G.I. carbs).