Minimal Leg Workout

Is it ok to keep leg training to a minimum and mostly just work out your upper body, or does working the entire body equally make the entire muscle building process better?

No, it’s not alright. No. Now we’re going to sit here and pray.

SQUAT, god damnit, SQUAT


Legs and back are the 2 areas that can carry the most muscle.

[quote]ss847859 wrote:
SQUAT, god damnit, SQUAT[/quote]

And when the barbell falls from your back in the floor grab it and start doing deadlifts until your forearms explode from gripping the bar.

Why would you want to NOT train legs? You want girl legs?


quite honestly i could give less than a shit about my legs…my last high school football season just ended, and my atheletic career for probably the rest of my life is over. im pretty much just lifting because i like it, and i want to look good, upper-body wise.

[quote]howie424 wrote:
Is it ok to keep leg training to a minimum and mostly just work out your upper body, or does working the entire body equally make the entire muscle building process better?[/quote]

I’m going to give you a freebie because you have the best avatar.

Black and white 4-life too sweeeeeeeet.

The other guys are going to yell at you and all that but forget them. Just put on your old nWo shirt and strut around with a jacked upper body, isn’t that what sweat pants were made for?

and dont get me wrong, i didnt mean leave out legs completely…i meant just not doing a whole lot…just basically like squat and deadlift to keep em good

[quote]howie424 wrote:
quite honestly i could give less than a shit about my legs…my last high school football season just ended, and my atheletic career for probably the rest of my life is over. im pretty much just lifting because i like it, and i want to look good, upper-body wise.

and dont get me wrong, i didnt mean leave out legs completely…i meant just not doing a whole lot…just basically like squat and deadlift to keep em good

Don’t be a girl, squat twice a week and deadlift once a week. Do some GHR. If you work your legs your upperbody will get bigger then if you don’t do legs.

While I do think you should man up, ultimately, if you don’t want to train legs or just want to train them minimally, go for it – it’s your body.

Whether or not you’re going to see an effect depends on what your training history has been up to now. If you’ve been training them hard and you drastically reduce your emphasis on them, you’re, of course, eventually going to see a drop in their size and strength; you’re probably also going to see your upper body progress slow down. If you haven’t been training them hard and you new routine isn’t too much different, things are probably going to stay about the same.

I’m a noob, okay. But, I’m so shocked when I look see some guys that look like they’ve been training for years with a gigantor upper body, then I see their scrawny chicken legs.

Yep, man up, learn to love legs.

[quote]C. Poliquin wrote:

And remember, you have far more anabolic output from training legs than training arms. So, all these people who don’t like split routines are retarded. If I train arms on Monday then Tuesday I train legs, my leg workout will actually make my arms grow. The next session I do my chest and back, which will help my legs and my arms grow. The point is that the anabolic response you get is systemic.[/quote]

Just a reminder.

Booo too much of a good thing. hooray moderation! Please enjoy upper body workouts responsibly

[quote]howie424 wrote:
and dont get me wrong, i didnt mean leave out legs completely…i meant just not doing a whole lot…just basically like squat and deadlift to keep em good[/quote]

Then please rename your thread, or at least think about what you’re doing. How do you “keep em good”? I think you did/do intend to not train legs and were looking for people to agree with you and pat you on your back. Why bother training if you are just going to go through the motions? All body parts need your complete mental attention.

[quote]pushharder wrote:
If you don’t train legs and you are a member here on the Nation you will be cursed, lampooned, ridiculed and shunned. Your children will be kidnapped and sold into slavery. Your dog will be auctioned in Chinatown. Your wife will be forced to walk the sleaziest street corner in Omaha for a living. Cemeteries all over the land will reject your burial plot purchase request and you will die a broken, depressed man with nothing to show for your life.

All of this because you won’t train legs. Is it worth it?[/quote]


[quote]Lapo wrote:
C. Poliquin wrote:

And remember, you have far more anabolic output from training legs than training arms. So, all these people who don’t like split routines are retarded. If I train arms on Monday then Tuesday I train legs, my leg workout will actually make my arms grow. The next session I do my chest and back, which will help my legs and my arms grow. The point is that the anabolic response you get is systemic.

Just a reminder.[/quote]

are you saying that full body workouts dont work well?

Strong legs=strength.

Most STRENGTH SPORTS (hey, you posted in Strength Sports forum) require leg strength.

So yes, train them.