I love the topic “Exercises I’ve bet you never tried” that is posted by the authors, so lets give the members/readers a turn. Now I’ve searched (so don’t raise hell at me for not searching the site first) for any threads posted by members describing exercises or moves that we have discovered on our own, been past down by our elders, or possibly came to us in a druken stuper.
So get crackin’ I’ve got a notebook(exercise index)and each page is a different bodypart with a list of all the exercises I know to do for that bodypart. Some are the tried and true and some are not. I know it will be somewhat difficult to describe exercises so if you have the capabilities to post pics or possibly video then please do so.
For instance, a good shoulder move I found years ago is sort of a front d-bell raise I call “front sweeps”. To perform this move you would stand with d-bells as if you were about to do a front raise, but instead of the d-bells being raised directly vertical they will “sweep out” a little wider than shoulder width.
I like for the back of my hands to almost touch at the top of the move in which you should have the d-bells a little above eye level. I got more to share so show me what all of you have hidden in those dirty little minds(or notebooks) of yours.